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篇名 利用蔬菜粉替代亞硝酸鹽做為醃漬劑之研究
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Study of replace nitrite by vegetable powder as curing agent
作者 翁曼語倪千祥劉美昀潘歆韻林亮全
頁次 252-252
關鍵字 亞硝酸鹽硝酸還原酶蔬菜粉NitriteNitrate reductaseVegetable powder
出刊日期 201712


市售常見加工肉品多會添加亞硝酸鹽,亞硝酸鹽具有發色、抗氧化、特殊風味以 及抗菌之優點,但亞硝酸鹽同時也是食品安全上的焦點之一,過量的亞硝酸鹽會 產生中毒及致癌等危害,而近年來消費者對於健康意識之高漲,開始追求天然健 康又安全之產品,革蘭氏陽性過氧化氫酶球菌為具有硝酸還原酶之葡萄球菌,可 透過還原酶使硝酸鹽還原成亞硝酸鹽,天然蔬菜中含大量硝酸鹽,經過還原後可 形成亞硝酸鹽,成為取代化學亞硝酸鹽之新趨勢。故本研究以蔬菜粉做為醃漬劑, 加入肉葡萄球菌(Staphylococcus carnosus)做為菌元,使醃漬液中的硝酸鹽足以 還原成亞硝酸鹽。未來將利用蔬菜醃漬液結合肉品,探討其儲藏性分析之影響, 期望開發出降低亞硝酸鹽使用之健康加工肉製品。


Nitrite has been used in different meat products. It has four important functions like protecting color, preventing lipid oxidation, increase flavor, antimicrobial. The issues in using nitrite for cured meat is important in food safety. Nitrite can react with amines and it has a risk of cancer and chemical toxicity. The concerning the issues in using nitrite for cured meat is raising. Consumers are asking the product which can be more natural and safe. Gram-positive catalase-positive cocci can release nitrate reductase. The nitrate reductase can make nitrate reduction to nitrite. Vegetables contain a lot of nitrates. It can be used as sources of nitrite. In this study, we used vegetable powder as curing agent. Combining Staphylococcus carnosus as starter in meat curing. And then using nitrate reductase of Staphylococcus carnosus to make nitrate reduction to nitrite. We will use vegetable curing liquid to cure lean meat and analyze the physical chemistry analysis during storage. Expecting to reduce nitrite content in meat products.

