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篇名 碳酸氫鈉真空包裝醃漬對嫩化寡產雞雞腿肉質之影響
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 The tenderness effect of sodium hydrogen bicarbonate on mechanical properties of spent hen leg quarters
作者 劉美昀倪千祥翁曼語潘歆韻林亮全
頁次 254-254
關鍵字 碳酸氫鈉寡產雞真空包裝Sodium hydrogen bicarbonateSpend henVacuum package
出刊日期 201712


寡產雞因產蛋率較低因而遭受蛋雞場淘汰,且其肉質堅硬因此不易直接做為加工 使用,為使寡產雞肉再利用,本研究之目的乃在探討碳酸氫鈉真空包裝醃漬對嫩 化寡產雞雞腿肉質之影響,預計將可替業者增加額外的收入。試驗將寡產雞馬鞍 腿分為左右兩腿,以 0、1、2、3% 之碳酸氫鈉作為醃漬液,分別醃漬 6、9、12、 15 小時,左腿置於醃漬液中冷藏浸漬,右腿則與醃漬液一同真空包裝後冷藏浸漬, 爾後去除醃漬液再真空包裝後進行高溫 100℃ 蒸煮 20 分鐘。而碳酸氫鈉因受熱 分解出二氧化碳氣體,其有助於產品之保存,後續再探討其儲藏性分析之影響, 期望碳酸氫鈉之利用可將寡產雞之應用發揮出最大效益。


Spend hen is eliminated because of the low egg production rate. The hardness of meat make it difficult to use as meat processing directly. This study is conducted to immerse the sodium hydrogen bicarbonate on spent hen leg quarters to make the hard and tough meat property to turn into tenderness. To expect that additional revenue will be added to managers. Spent hen leg quarters are divided into 2 parts. Sodium hydrogen bicarbonate 0, 1, 2 and 3% as pickled liquid. Immersing time from 6 to 15 hours. The left part is cooled immersion with pickled liquid. And the right part is soaked in pickled liquid combine with vacuum technology. Remove the pickled liquid perform vacuum package then cook 20 min at 100℃. Sodium bicarbonate due to heat decomposition carbon dioxide gas which helps to extension the shelf life. Then to discuss the physical and chemical analysis during storage. Anticipating the usage of sodium hydrogen bicarbonate on spent hen leg will play the greatest benefit.

