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篇名 不同粒徑蛋殼粉之製作及理化特性
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Manufacture and physi-chemical properties of different particles sizes of eggshell powder
作者 陳怡兆劉雅醇
頁次 257-257
關鍵字 蛋殼粉製作粒徑理化特性Eggshell powderManufactureParticle sizePhysi-chemical properties
出刊日期 201712


本試驗目的是進行不同粒徑蛋殼粉之理化分析,以建立蛋殼粉應用之基礎資料。蛋殼 原料取自液蛋工廠(台南蛋品股份有限公司)之廢棄蛋殼,經重複沖水及漂洗去除殼 膜(可去除約 50% 之殼膜),再以拌炒機小火拌炒乾燥,乾燥完成後以吹風方式去除 細碎之殼膜(此時約可去除 90% 之殼膜)。將經乾燥之蛋殼粗粒以研磨機研磨,並以 不同孔徑篩網過篩製作A(20-40 mesh)、B(40-60 mesh)、C(60-80 mesh)、D(< 80 mesh)等 4 種粒徑蛋殼粉為試驗組進行測定 A、B、C、D 試驗組之 pH 值及在 不同 pH 溶液下之溶解度。試驗結果顯示:新鮮蛋殼水分含量為 15.49%,經乾燥後 降為 1.71%,pH 約在 8.90-9.10;乾燥後亮度上升,a 值降為負值,表示顏色變淡, 此因所含之蛋殼膜去除所致。在蛋殼粉溶解度測定上,不同粒徑之蛋殼粉 pH 值均在 9.0 左右,無顯著差異,但其溶解度隨溶液 pH 上升(4.5-7.0)而減少,且粒徑愈小 溶解度愈高。


The objective of this work was to study the physical and chemical characterization of different particles sizes eggshell powder that in order to establish the information for future utilization of eggshell. Eggshells were obtained from egg breaking plants (Tainan egg product Ltd. Co.) and repeated to rinse the eggshell membrane out (about 50% of eggshells were removed), and then dried by stir-fry machine and subsequently remove fine membrane by blowing process (about 90% of eggshells were removed). Dried eggshell was milled by different screens and the particles sizes of eggshells were distributed into A (20-40 mesh), B (40-60 mesh), C (60-80 mesh) and D (< 80 mesh ). The four treatments were inspected the pH and the solubility under the solution with various pH values. Results showed the moisture content of fresh eggshell was 15.49%, and dried eggshell was 1.71%. The pH values of both fresh and dried eggshell were about 8.90-9.10. On color measurement, L value of eggshell increased and a value decrease down to negative after dried. That revealed the lightness rose and transformed into palish color because the membrane was removed. On solubility measurement, the pH values of various particles sizes eggshells were about 9.0 without significant difference. But their solubility decreased with the pH of solution increasing, and the solubility was higher with particle size became smaller.

