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篇名 2016 年國產鮮乳品質之檢測
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Detection of domestic fresh milk quality in 2016
作者 郭卿雲郭卿雲周文玲
頁次 258-258
關鍵字 鮮乳冰點品質Fresh milkFreezing pointQuality
出刊日期 201712


鮮乳是以生乳經最少加工程度製得提供人們食用的產品,乳品質的安全性是值得 重視的課題。本研究調查 2016 年 3-11 月國產市售鮮乳品質,共有 264 件鮮乳 試樣,檢測其成分、冰點與微生物品質。乳清蛋白受加熱條件而影響鮮乳中殘留 量,一般為 0.54 ~ 0.60%。受測市售鮮乳中低於 0.53% 有 98 件,佔 37.1%,顯 示國內鮮乳有將近 4 成品牌之加熱程度較高。牛乳冰點受其鹽類、乳糖之影響。 牛乳之乳糖及鹽類少有變化,故摻水於牛乳中,可依冰點之變化而檢出。牛乳之 冰點一般範圍為 -0.525 ~ -0.565℃,受測市售鮮乳中高於 -0.525℃ 有 14 件,佔 5.3%。市售鮮乳微生物之檢測,於病原菌包括大腸桿菌、沙門氏菌與金黃色葡萄 球菌皆未有檢出,總生菌數於 264 件受測市售鮮乳中僅8 件超過 CNS 每公克中 生菌數 5 萬以上,合格率達 97.0 %;其中 1 件驗出病原菌沙門氏菌。


Fresh milk is made by the least degree of processing of raw milk that could be direct consumed for human. Therefore the safety of milk is very important. This study investigated the quality of local commercial fresh milk from March to November 2016, a total of 264 fresh milk samples from local supermarkets were analyzed. Test items included the components, freezing point and microbiological quality. The residual amount of whey protein in milk is affected by heating, usually 0.54-0.60%. In the tested fresh milk, 98 samples had whey protein content less than 0.53%, accounting for 37.1%, showed that nearly 40% of the domestic milk brand heating a higher degree. The freezing point of milk is influenced by the salts and lactose in the milk. It is considered to be an approximately constant concentration, usually -0.525 ~ -0.565℃. There were 14 samples had freezing point higher than 0.525℃, accounting for 5.3%. Fresh milk samples were tested for several pathogens and negative results were observed, except for the detection of Salmonella in one sample. The total count of bacteria in the 264 tested samples, only 8 samples has more than 5104 cfu/mL, with a pass rate of 97.0%.

