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篇名 芹菜粉對中式香腸及法蘭克福香腸保存期間微生物品質之影響
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 The effects of microorganism quality of Chinese style sausage and Frankfurter sausage during the storage
作者 陳文賢凃榮珍李孟儒
頁次 260-260
關鍵字 芹菜粉微生物香腸Celery powderMicroorganismSausage
出刊日期 201712


本試驗旨在利用乾燥芹菜莖、葉或全株粉末分別添加於中式香腸及法蘭克福香腸中,探討其對 於產品保存期間微生物品質之影響。試驗結果顯示,芹菜莖、芹菜葉、及芹菜全株三種粉末之 硝酸鹽含量分別為 41.54 ppm、14.82 ppm、20.39 ppm;亞硝酸鹽含量分別為 0.56 ppm、1.86 ppm、0.99 ppm。試驗以添加亞硝酸鹽 150 ppm 者為對照組。結果顯示,對照組之中式香腸 及法蘭克福香腸產品仍分別有亞硝酸鹽殘留量 45 ppm 及 110 ppm,其他各試驗組均無亞硝 酸鹽殘留量檢出。所有試驗樣品經冷凍 2 個月後,分別以冷藏 3℃ 下保存 15 天、常溫 25 ℃ 保存 5 天及冷凍 -18℃ 保存 1 個月進行保存試驗。各處理組初始測得之總生菌數均小於 1 log CFU/g,且皆無乳酸菌、大腸桿菌及肉毒桿菌檢出。常溫 25℃ 保存 5 天後對照組總生 菌數符合衛生法規標準,而添加芹菜粉的各試驗組總生菌數高達 8-9 log CFU/g,已有腐敗情 形。所有處理組雖皆無發現大腸桿菌及肉毒桿菌滋生,然以預防的觀點,添加適量亞硝酸鹽以 及有適當的亞硝酸鹽殘留對於維持產品安全性仍是一個必要的處理手段。


The purpose of this experiment was to investigate the effects of the celery powders of stem, leaves or whole plant on the microorganism quality of Chinese style sausage and Frankfurter sausage during the storage. The nitrate contents of the celery powders of stem, leaves and whole plant were 41.54, 14.82 and 20.39ppm, respectively. And the nitrite content of the celery powders of stem, leaves and whole plant were 0.56, 1.86 and 0.99ppm, respectively. One hundred and fifty ppm of nitrite was added in the Chinese style sausage and Frankfurter sausage as the control. The results showed that the amount of nitrite residue was 45ppm in the control of Chinese style sausage, and it was 110 ppm in the control of Frankfurter sausage. However, all the treatments added with different part of celery powder were no nitrite residue detected. All the treatments were stored at -18℃ for 2 months and then stored at 3℃ for 15 days, 25℃ for 5 days and -18℃ for 1 month, respectively. The results showed the total plate counts (TPC) of 3℃ and -18℃ treatment were less than 1.0 log CFU/g, and the lactic acid bacteria, Echerichia. coli were not detected in all treatments. When the samples were stored at 25℃ for 5 days, the TPC of the control were under the regulation of hygiene standard, but the TPC of the other treatments, which celery powder was added, were as high as 8.0-9.0 log CFU/g. Although no E. coli and botulism were detected in celery powder treatments, it was still necessary to add nitrite and have nitrite residue for maintaining the safety of products.

