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篇名 配方中不同含量土肉桂萃取液對豬肉乾品質之影響
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 The effects of recipes containing different amounts of Cinnamomum osmophloeum Kanehira extract on quality of pork jerky
作者 凃榮珍李孟儒郭卿雲陳怡兆曾再富陳文賢
頁次 261-261
關鍵字 臺灣土肉桂肉乾Cinnamomum osmophloeum KanehiraSugarJerky
出刊日期 201712


本試驗旨在應用蒸餾法萃取高肉桂醛含量之土肉桂萃取液,以取代砂糖添加量於減糖肉乾 之製作,賦予肉乾健康形象。試驗以一般砂糖添加量者為對照組(C),並以土肉桂萃取 液取代 10%(A)、20%(B)砂糖添加量,製成肉乾後分析其 pH 值、水活性、色澤、 糖度、剪切值及感官品評等項目。結果顯示試驗一中 B 組肉乾 pH 值及水活性較高,糖 度及剪切值顯著較低(P < 0.05)。感官品評項目中C 組香氣評分最高而B 組香氣評分較 低,但風味及總接受性各組間無顯著差異。試驗二將原料肉經醃漬後再製成肉乾,則 A 及 B 組之剪切值均顯著降低,而感官品評分數各組間均無顯著差異。結果顯示應用土肉桂 萃取液可取代20%砂糖用量,而可製成接受性佳的豬肉乾產品。


The purpose of this study was to utilize cinnamaldehyde to reduce the sugar content of pork jerky. High cinnamaldehyde content of Cinnamomum osmophloeum Kanehira extract was extracted by steam distillation at early stage (0 ~ 20 min). Pork jerky with normal sugar content was the control treatment (C). The extracts of C. osmophloeum Kanehira replaced 10 (A) or 20% (B) of the sugar content were produced to pork jerky. The pH value, water activity, color, sugar content, shear value and sensory evaluation were measured. The results showed that the pH value and water activity of group B were significantly lower than those of group C and A (P <0.05). In experiment 1, highest aroma score of sensory evaluation was in the C group, and the lowest score was in the B group. However, the scores of flavor and total acceptance were not significantly different between all the groups. In experiment 2, the raw meat was cured with C, A or B recipes and then processed pork jerky. The results showed that the shear values of group A and group B were significantly decreased, but the sensory evaluation scores did not show significant difference among all the groups.

