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篇名 澱粉種類對雞肉脆片品質之影響
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 The effects of different kinds of starch on quality of chicken cracker
作者 凃榮珍李孟儒陳文賢
頁次 262-262
關鍵字 澱粉雞肉脆片品質StarchChicken crackerQuality
出刊日期 201712


本試驗旨在應用不同種類澱粉分別與國產土雞肉為原料製作雞肉脆片,比較各種澱粉 對其品質之影響。試驗以玉米澱粉(C)、馬鈴薯澱粉(P)、樹薯澱粉(T)或在來米 澱粉(R)與國產土雞胸肉等比例為原料,經細切、蒸煮、切片、乾燥、油炸後製成 可常溫儲存的休閒雞肉脆片。產品製成後分析其水分、粗蛋白質、粗脂肪及灰分含量、 水活性、脆度、總生菌數及感官品評等項目。結果顯示,一般組成分中水分含量以 C 組最低,T 組最高;粗蛋白質以 R 組最高、T 組最低;粗脂肪則以 C 組及 P 組最 低,其次是 R 組,T 組最高(P < 0.05)。水活性、脆度及常溫保存 7 日期間之總生 菌數分析結果並未因澱粉種類不同而有顯著差異。感官品評結果則顯示,香氣以 T 組 最高,P 組最低;風味、咬感及總接受度則以 T 組最佳,C 及 P 組最低。依感官品 評結果,建議以樹薯澱粉搭配國產土雞胸肉可開發較受歡迎的雞肉脆片。


The purpose of this experiment was to investigate the effects of different kinds of starch on quality of chicken cracker. Different kinds of starch, including corn starch (C), potato starch (P), tapioca starch (T) or rice starch (R), and domestic chicken breast meat as raw materials were used as equal amounts for the production of chicken crackers. The processing procedures were as follow, cutting, cooking, slicing, drying and deep-frying. After the frying, chicken crackers could be stored at room temperature. The moisture, crude protein, crude fat and ash contents, water activity, brittleness, total plate count and sensory evaluation were analyzed. The results showed that the water content in the general composition was the lowest in the C group and the highest in the T group. The crude protein was the highest in the R group and the lowest in the T group. The crude fat was the lowest in the C group and the P group, followed by the R group and the T group (P < 0.05). The results of total plate count in the 7th day of storage period, water activity and brittleness were not significantly different due to different types of starch. Sensory evaluation showed that the aroma was the highest in the T group and the lowest in the P group. The texture and the overall acceptability were the highest in the T group and the lowest in the C and P groups (P < 0.05). According to the results of sensory evaluation, the experiment recommend to use tapioca starch with domestic chicken breast could develop more popular chicken cracker.

