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篇名 北京鴨選育品系受精蛋數持續性之變化
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 The variety of duration of fertility for the number of fertile eggs in Pekin duck selection line
作者 陳志毅魏良原張惠斌張怡穎劉秀洲鄭裕信
頁次 165-165
關鍵字 受精持續性受精蛋數北京鴨Duration of fertilityFertile eggsPekin ducks
出刊日期 201712


本研究旨在探討受精蛋數於檢定期間其持續性之變化,以作為後續遺傳改進之參考。北京鴨長 受精持續性選育品系目前為第 11 世代,檢定方式係採用 10~15 隻白色番鴨畜試一號公鴨之 混合精液,於母北京鴨分別在第 29、32 與 35 週齡時,每隻母鴨 0.05 mL 注精量,各連續 收集 14 天(2~15 天)的蛋,然後分析受精持續性性狀之變化。統計本世代持續性相關檢定 性狀包括受精蛋數(F)、最長受精天數(Dm)與有效受精天數(De)分別為 5.13 ± 1.78 枚、 6.08 ± 1.97 天與 4.21 ± 2.02 天(Mean ± SD);另檢視 14 日的檢定期間內的每日受精率之表 現,檢定前 4 日均維持 8 成左右之高受精率,分別為 81.2%、82.1%、80.2% 與 78.7%,第 6 日之受精率則僅約 51.2%,此後持續下降,至第 8 日之平均受精率為 17.8%。而 F、Dm 及 De 值超過 6 日之長受精持續性能鴨隻所占的比率分別為 24.6%、38.2% 與 15.5%。


The objective of this project was to study the variety of duration of fertility for the number of fertile eggs at candling during the period of test time for Pekin duck, and the study result could be a later reference of genetic estimation. The Pekin duck of longer duration of fertility selection line was a 11-generation selection experiment, the method of test was the Pekin duck at 29, 32, and 35 weeks of age, the ducks were artificially inseminated with 0.05 mL of pooled semen from 10 to 15 Muscovy drakes of White Muscovy LRI1 from the Ilan Branch, Livestock Research Institute. After a single AI, eggs were collected for a period of 14 days for incubation, and then analyzed the number of fertile eggs during the period of test time. The results showed the number of fertile eggs (F), the maximum duration of fertility from 2nd day after AI up to the day of the last fertile egg (Dm) and the duration of effective fertilization (De) were 5.13±1.78 eggs, 6.08±1.97 eggs and 4.21±2.02 days (Mean±SD), respectively. There was high of fertility rate (80%) at the beginning of 4 days after single artificial insemination, the F was 81.2%, 82.1%, 80.2% and 78.7%, respectively. However, the fertility was only 51.2% at the day 6 and 17.8% at day 8. The rate of longer duration of fertility in Pekin duck of F, Dm and De of exceed day 6 were 24.6%, 38.2% and 15.5%, respectively.

