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篇名 北京鴨受精持續性之選育
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Selection for the duration of fertility in Pekin duck
作者 陳志毅劉秀洲魏良原張惠斌張怡穎鄭裕信
頁次 166-166
關鍵字 北京鴨選拔受精持續性Pekin duckSelectionDuration of fertility
出刊日期 201712


本選育試驗旨在增加北京鴨於單次人工授精公番鴨混合精液後之受精蛋數,自 2006 年開 始已進行至第 11 代。於北京鴨 29、32 及 35 週齡時,以 10-15 隻公番鴨混合精液 0.05 mL 舉行單次人工授精,收集種蛋 14 天,每隔 7 日入孵 1 批;每代進行系譜繁殖,以 每隻檢定鴨隻種蛋入孵後第 7 天照蛋所得受精蛋數,經 BLUP 動物模式計算其育種價作 為選拔指標。經 11 代之選育檢定,受精蛋數分別為 4.05、3.44、4.03、4.14、4.79、4.05、 4.95、5.52、5.20、5.43 及 5.13 枚;有效受精持續天數分別為 3.36、3.79、3.26、3.58、 4.02、3.83、4.18、4.90、4.55、4.90 及 4.21 天;受精蛋數育種價分別為 -0.05、-0.04、 0.13、0.14、0.25、0.69、1.04、1.42、1.79、2.13 及2.57。顯示以受精蛋數育種價作為選 拔指標,其有效受精持續天數增加應屬可期待者。


A 11-generation selection experiment has been conducted since 2006 with the aim of increasing the number of fertile eggs laid by the Pekin duck after a single artificial insemination (AI) with pooled Muscovy semen. At 26, 29, and 32 weeks of age, the ducks were artificially inseminated with 0.05 mL of pooled semen from 10 to 15 Muscovy drakes of line 302 from Ilan Branch, LRI. After a single AI, eggs were collected for a period of 14 days for incubation. Pedigree hatching was conducted in each generation and an individual recording system was used. The selection criterion was the breeding values of the BLUP animal model for the number of fertile eggs at candling (F) at 7th day of incubation. After 11 generations selection, fertilized egg at candling was 4.05、3.44、4.03、4.14、4.79、4.05、4.95、5.52、5.20、5.43 and 5.13 eggs, respectively. The average duration of effective fertilization from G1 to G11 was 3.36、3.79、3.26、3.58、4.02、 3.83、4.18、4.90、4.55、4.90 and 4.21 days, respectively. The breeding values of fertilized eggs from G1 to G11 was -0.05、-0.04、0.13、0.14、0.25、0.69、1.04、1.42、1.79、2.10 and 2.57, respectively. So, a correlated response on increasing duration of effective fertilization is expected when selecting on breeding values of fertilized eggs.

