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篇名 添加Canna edulis Ker 非合成膠體於飲用酸乳之理化特性 及感官特性
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Physicochemical and sensory properties of drinkable yogurt added with non-synthetic hidrocolloid derrived from Canna edulis Ker
作者 巫曼林美貞L. E Radiati
頁次 265-265
關鍵字 Canna edulis Ker羧甲基纖維素膠體Canna edulis KerCarboxymethyl celluloseHydrocolloid
出刊日期 201712


酸乳可分為低黏度與高黏度兩種,儲存期間之固體沉澱和乳清分離皆會降低酸乳品質。使用膠 體可維持酸乳品質、提高保水能力、流變性和安定性;羧甲基纖維素(CMC)為一種合成膠 體,常添加於酸乳。然而,最近消費者要求減少使用食品添加物,帶來更健康的生活方式。 Canna edulis Ker 澱粉含有 81.4% 支鏈澱粉,具高保水能力可替代合成膠體,以維持酸乳的 安定性。本研究目的為添加非合成膠體Canna edulis Ker 澱粉(0.1%、0.2%、0.3%、0.4%) 代替 0.2% CMC(控制組)製作酸乳,並分析於冷藏儲存期間之理化及感官特性變化,本試 驗為三重複。樣品 40℃ 冷藏 4 小時後分析 pH 值、滴定酸度、黏度、脫水收縮、沉澱量和 感官特性。統計分析方法為單因子 ANOVA 及 Duncan's Multiple Range Test(DMRT)。結果 顯示各處理組之 pH 值皆無顯著差異。添加 0.4% Canna 澱粉顯著改善酸乳之黏度、降低脫 水收縮和沉澱量。然而,添加 0.2% Canna 澱粉酸乳之滴定酸度顯著增加。總而言之,使用 0.1% Canna 澱粉與添加 0.2% CMC 之酸乳,黏度、沉澱量和感官特性具有相似結果。


Yogurt was divided into two types, liquid yogurt (drinkable yogurt) with low viscosity and yogurt set (thick yogurt) with higher viscosity. Sedimentation of milk solids and separation of whey during storage decrease yogurt quality. Hydrocolloids are widely used to maintain quality of yogurt with improving water holding capacity, rheological properties, and emulsion stability. Carboxymethyl Cellulose (CMC), a synthetic hidrocolloid, is commonly used on the manufacturing process of drinkable yogurt. Recently, consumers demand reducing the use of synthetic materials in their diets in order to lead a healthier lifestyle. Canna edulis Ker starch contains 81.4% amylopectin that has the potential of replacing synthetic hidrocolloid. Amylopectin has very high capability of water holding capacity to increase the viscosity and maintain the stability of drinkable yogurt. This research was to investigate the effect of non-synthetic hidrocolloid derrived from Canna edulis Ker on the physicochemical and sensory properties of drinkable yogurt during cold storage. Concentrations of 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.3%, and 0.4% canna starch and 0.2% CMC (control) were added to make yogurt. All treatments were carried out with 3 replications. Samples were refrigerated at 40C for 24 hours and then analyzed for pH, titratable acidity, viscosity, syneresis, sedimentable fraction, and sensory properties. Data were analyzed by one way ANOVA, and followed by duncan's multiple range test (DMRT). Results showed that all treatments had no significant differences in pH value. Yogurt with adding 0.4% canna starch significantly improved viscosity, reduced syneresis and decreased sedimentable fraction. However, titration acidity of yogurt was significantly increased with the addition of 0.2% of canna starch. Yogurt made with 0.1% canna starch showed similar results on viscosity, sedimentable fraction, and sensory properties during 1st storage day to yogurt with 0.2% CMC.

