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篇名 臺灣土雞與洛島紅試驗品系雜交子二代產蛋性狀之全基因關聯性分析
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Genome-wide association study of chicken egg production traits in tropical climate
作者 練慶儀Michèle Tixier-Boichard吳詩雯陳志峰
頁次 168-168
關鍵字 產蛋全基因關聯性分析ChickenEgg productionGenome-wide association study
出刊日期 201712


產蛋是家禽產業中重要的經濟性狀。為了鑑定產蛋性狀與單一核苷酸多態性(SNP)間的 關聯性,本研究係利用台灣土雞 L2 品系與洛島紅 R-試驗品系雜交子二代及 57 K SNP 晶片進行全基因關聯性分析。分析結果指出,計 105 個 SNP 效應被偵測,其中涉及 7 個 基因體整體顯著水準(P <4.84×10-6)和75個建議顯著水準(P < 9.68×10-5)的 SNP。大部 分被偵測出的 SNP 在本研究中為第一次被證實與雞產蛋性狀具關連性。另有半數的 SNP 與先前已被發表的數量性狀基因座(QTL)位置重疊,提供了 SNP 與 QTL 間的證 據。本研究所偵測到的 SNP 有助於未來進一步的功能性分析與 QTL 鑑定。


Egg production is an economically vital trait in poultry industry. In order to identify the association between egg production and single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), the current study was conducted on a genome-wide association study in an F2 cross between the Taiwan country chicken L2 line with an experimental line of Rhode Island Red layer R- by using the chicken 57 K SNP chip. A total of 105 SNP effects involving 7 genome-wide (P < 4.84×10-6) and 75 suggestive (P < 9.68×10-5) significant SNPs were reported in the study. Most of the detected SNPs were first reported in current study for egg production in chicken. Half number of SNPs were harbored in the previous reported quantitative trait loci (QTL), providing the evidence to the relationship between SNPs and QTL. A list of SNPs reported in the study is helpful to the future analysis for functional annotation and QTL identification.

