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篇名 不同混合辛香料對法蘭克福香腸品質影響之研究
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Effect of dual spices on the quality of Frankfurt sausages
作者 許宗賢呂宜萱鍾雯麗黃文锝蔡忠穎林志勳吳建平
頁次 266-266
關鍵字 法蘭克福香腸辛香料Frankfurt sausageSpice
出刊日期 201712


本實驗的主旨在於了解不同混合辛香料包括百味胡椒+肉荳蔻、百味胡椒+迷迭香、百 味胡椒+鼠尾草、百味胡椒+百里香及迷迭香+鼠尾草添加於法蘭克福香腸對其品質之 影響。試驗顯示:在貯存至第六週時,百味胡椒+百里香之組別有顯著較低之 pH 値。 而在色澤方面,添加混合辛香料其亮度値及紅色值皆會顯著較對照組低(P<0.05); 另外 TBARS 値方面,當貯存至第 6 週時,百味胡椒+百里香及迷迭香+鼠尾草兩組 之 TBARS 値顯著較對照組低(P < 0.05);而百味胡椒+肉荳蔻、百味胡椒+迷迭香 及迷迭香+鼠尾草三組在貯存至第 6 週時,變性肌紅蛋白含量顯著低於其他各組(P < 0.05);最後在官能品評方面,貯存至第 7 天時,在色澤的評分以對照組顯著較高 (P < 0.05)。貯存至第 14 天時,對照組於色澤、質地、風味及總接受度方面顯著 高於其他各組(P < 0.05),不過其他各組所得評分也皆維持在得分 4 分左右。


The objective of this study is to explore the effects of dual spices (allspice + nutmeg, allspice + rosemary, allspice + sage, allspice + thyme, and rosemary + sage) on the quality of Frankfurt sausages. As experiment has shown, the Frankfurt sausage with dual spices added, the one with allspice + thyme has, after storing for 6 weeks, lower pH value (P < 0.05). Besides, the treated sausages appear, as a whole, to score lower points than the control(P < 0.05), in terms of brightness, and redness. In respect of TBARS, the Frankfurt sausage with either allspice + thyme, or rosemary + sage added has lower value than the control(P < 0.05). On the other hand, the Frankfurt sausage with allspice + nutmeg, allspice + rosemary, or rosemary + sage added has lower met-myoglobin amount than the rest(P < 0.05). On the 7th day, the control has higher value in color (P < 0.05). After storing for 14 days, the control has better showing in color, texture, flavor, and overall acceptability(P < 0.05), though the treated all retain 4 points or so.

