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篇名 飼糧添加二階段發酵飼料及納豆真菌發酵產物對保育豬生長及免疫性能影響
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Supplementation of two-stage fermented feedstuff and natto with fungal fermentative products on growth performance and immunity in weanling pigs
作者 黃憲榮李秀蘭王漢昇許晉賓林正鏞陳國隆
頁次 272-272
關鍵字 納豆真菌發酵產物二階段發酵飼料保育豬Natto and fungal fermentative productsTwo stage fermented feedstuffWeanling pigs
出刊日期 201712


本研究旨在探討飼糧中添加納豆真菌發酵產物對高畜雜交黑豬生長性能及免疫反應之影響。 本試驗採完全逢機設計,80 隻保育豬隻逢機分配於5處理組,包括為對照組(飼料內使用 2% 魚粉)、對照組額外添加商業抗生素產品 0.15% 組及添加 0.05%、0.1% 或 0.15% 納豆真菌 發酵產物組(飼料內使用 2% 二階段發酵飼料)等 5 種處理,每處理組4重複,每欄 2 公、 2 母。試驗期共 35 天,飼料及飲水任食。試驗結果顯示,添加 0.15% 納豆真菌發酵產物組 及添加 0.15% 抗生素產品組之平均日增重及平均飼料攝食量(P < 0.05)顯著較對照組者為 佳。添加 0.15% 納豆真菌發酵產物組及 0.15% 抗生素產品組之血清干擾素-γ 含量顯著較 對照組及 0.05% 納豆真菌發酵產物組為高(P < 0.05)。綜上所述,豬隻飼糧中添加 2% 二 階段發酵飼料及添加納豆真菌發酵產物,能提高保育豬之生長性能與免疫反應,其添加 0.15% 納豆真菌發酵產物具有取代添加 0.15% 商業抗生素之效果。


This study was conducted to investigate the effect of the dietary supplementation of two-stage fermented feedstuff and combinatory products fermented by Bacillus natto with fungus (CPFBF) on the growth performance and immunity -in the weanling pigs of black pig (Duroc x KHAPS). A total of eighty hybrid pigs were randomly assigned into 5 treatment groups with 4 replications. Each replicate contained two barrows and two gilts. The treatment diets have control (A) group which contain 2% fish meal, (B) group added extra 0.15% commercial antibiotic product in control diet, group (C), (D) and (E) added extra 0.05%, 0.1% and 0.15% CPFBF( contain 2% two-stage fermented feedstuff), respectively. The test period was 35 days, and water and feed were provided ad libitum. The results revealed that B and E groups on the daily weight gain and average daily intake had significantly higher than control group (P < 0.05). B and E groups on interferon-γ of serum had significantly increased than control and C group (P < 0.05). In conclusion, supplementation with 2% two-stage fermented feedstuff and CPFBF supplement had improve growth performance and immunity response. There was a potential of using 0.15% CPFBF supplementation could substitute of 0.15% commercial antibiotic product in nursing piglets diet.

