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篇名 畜試黑豬一號及高畜黑豬正反交母豬繁殖性能
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 The reproductive performance of the reciprocal crossing of TLRI Black Pig No. 1 and KHAPS Black Pig
作者 吳鈴彩吳文峯吳啟瑞劉芳爵林義福
頁次 175-175
關鍵字 畜試黑豬一號高畜黑豬繁殖性能KHAPS Black PigTLRI Black Pig No. 1Reproductive performa
出刊日期 201712


過去 LYD 三品種生產模式,已經證實可以提升豬隻生產效率,此模式應可運用於黑毛豬 的生產,透過雜交優勢,培育優良一代母豬,再與配終端公豬生產雜交黑毛肉豬,藉以提 升育成率及生產效率。本試驗應用畜試黑豬一號(E)及高畜黑豬(K)進行正反交,觀 察其繁殖性能。結果顯示,E×K 及 K×E 母豬初產的平均窩仔數分別為 10.1±3.3 與 11.6±1.7 頭;活窩仔數為 7.4±2.5 與 9.5±2.8 頭;仔豬出生存活率為 73.55% 與 81.72%; 出生體重為 1.82±0.44 與 1.31±0.31 公斤;3 週齡體重為 5.59±1.29 與 4.35±1.38 公斤; 3 週齡育成率為 97.75% 與 97.37%;E×K 及 K×E 母豬經產的平均窩仔數分別為 9.9±2.9 與 15.1±2.1 頭;活窩仔數為 8.3±2.5 與 11.5±1.5 頭;仔豬出生存活率為 84.27% 與 76.02%;出生體重為 1.96±0.46 與 1.58±0.37 公斤;3 週齡體重為 5.55±1.42 與 4.91±1.23 公斤;3 週齡育成率為98.67% 與 96.64%。綜上所述,K×E 有較高的窩仔數 與活窩仔數,但出生體重及三週齡出生重則低於 E×K 者。


The three-way production model of LYD has been shown to enhance the production efficiency. This model can be applied to the black hog production as well. The livability and production efficiency could be improved through the heterosis to cultivate elite sows, then crossed with boar to produce black-hair hog. In this study, the reproductive performance of the reciprocal crossing by TLRI black pig No.1 (E) and KHAPS black pig (K) was observed. The results showed that E×K and K×E of primiparous litter size at birth was 10.1±3.3 and 11.6±1.7, respectively; piglet born alive was 7.4±2.5 and 9.5±2.8, respectively; body weight (BW) at birth was 1.82±0.44 and 1.31±0.31 kg, respectively; BW at three weeks of age was 5.59±1.29 and 4.35±1.38, respectively, and livability at three weeks of age was 97.75% and 97.37%, respectively. The results showed that E×K and K×E of multiparous litter size at birth was 9.9±2.9 and 15.1±2.1, respectively; piglet born alive was 8.3±2.5 and 11.5±1.5, respectively; body weight (BW) at birth was 1.96±0.46 and 1.58±0.37 kg, respectively; BW at three weeks of age was 5.55±1.42 and 4.91±1.23, respectively, and livability at three weeks of age was 98.67% and 96.64%, respectively. From above results, it demonstrated that the litter size at birth and piglet born alive of K×E were higher than those of E×K, however BW at birth and BW at three weeks of age were lower than those from E×K.

