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篇名 超音波屠體評級與肉豬價格之相關
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Correlation between hog prices and carcass ultrasound me
作者 林智郁陳宜箴王玟黃柏諺林巧昕林佑詮林榮信
頁次 177-177
關鍵字 拍賣肉豬屠體評級超音波Auctioned hogCarcass gradingUltraso
出刊日期 201712


本試驗目的在於評估超音波屠體評級儀器測量值與人為屠體評級計價及肉品市 場活體拍賣價格之相關分析。試驗分為兩批次,其一為人工屠體評級計價之當 地飼養肉豬;其二為嘉義肉品市場購入之拍賣肉豬,所有肉豬都於澎湖肉品市 場屠宰並以超音波屠體評級儀器對屠體進行瘦肉率評估。結果顯示,人工屠體 評級計價和全屠體售價與超音波儀器所測之瘦肉率相關分別為 0.477 和 0.398 (P < 0.001)。肉豬活體拍賣單價和屠體計算單價與超音波儀器所測之瘦肉率相 關分別為 0.291 和 0.279(P < 0.05)。


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the correlation between hog carcass ultrasound measurement and hog prices from artificial carcass grading of Penghu slaughter plants and the auction price of Chiayi meat market. The results showed that the unit price and carcass price based on artificial carcass grading were positively related the carcass lean percentage of ultrasound measurements (0.477 and 0.398, respectively). The unit price of auctioned hog and carcass unit price by calculation were positively correlated with the carcass lean percentage of ultrasound measurements (0.291 and 0.279, respectively).

