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篇名 臺灣山羊族群垂腺特定轉錄因子之基因型頻度調查
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Investigation on genotype frequency of pituitary-specific positive transcription factor 1 (POU1f1) of goat population in Taiwan
作者 賴芳裕凃柏安蕭振文洗樂珩王得吉王佩華
頁次 181-181
關鍵字 山羊POU1f1 基因型即時聚合酶連鎖反應GoatPOU1f1 genotypeTaqMan® real time PCR
出刊日期 201712


垂腺特定轉錄因子1(POU1f1)是 POU domain 中同源異型蛋白之一,由於POU1f1 基因在生 長發育中的重要作用及對PRL、GH、TSH 基因的正向調控功能,因此POU1f1 基因之多態 性成為山羊遺傳育種選拔的重要候選基因之一。研究顯示,山羊POU1f1 基因第六外顯子區 域 g.174T>G 帶有 T/T 基因型之個體,於十二月齡之平均體重顯著高於 T/G 基因型之個體。 本試驗發展 TaqMan® 即時聚合酶連鎖反應(PCR)方法,高通量檢測國內飼養的各品種山羊 POU1f1 基因型。在所檢測的 2 場肉用羊場(Nubian)及 1 場乳用羊場(Saanen and Alpine), 共計 776 頭羊隻。結果顯示,乳用羊場族群並未檢測出 D2D2(G/G)基因型;肉用羊場兩 場,一場沒有 D2D2,另一場則有 9 頭羊(2.69%)帶有 D2D2 基因型。更進一步檢測臺灣 其他品種羊隻,包含各品系在地黑山羊等共 301 頭,發現每個族群均有 D2D2 基因型個體存 在,比例最高者為金門黑山羊 36.84%。推論商業羊場不斷依體型性能選拔已將絕大部分較不 好的 D2D2 篩選掉,而保種羊場因逢機配種因而留下 D2D2 基因型。


Pituitary-specific positive transcription factor 1 (POU1f1) is a member of POU homeodomain family. The POU1f1 has a crucial role in growth and in positive regulation of PRL, GH and TSH genes. The polymorphism of POU1f1 has made it an important candidate for breeding. According to some researches, goat individuals with T/T genotype on 167g.T>G of sixth exon of POU1f1 gene have larger average weight at 12 months age than those with T/G genotype. For high throughput detection of POU1f1 gene in goats, the TaqMan® real time PCR assay was developed. In total of 766 goats in two meat (Nubian) and one dairy goat farms (Saanen and Alpine) were detected. None of the dairy goats have D2D2 (G/G) genotype. In meat goat farms, one farm had no D2D2 genotype, another had 9 goats (2.69%) with D2D2 genotype. Moreover, 301 other breeds of goats in Taiwan, including some local black goat breeds, were detected with the TaqMan® real time PCR. All of local populations have D2D2 individuals. Kinmen black goat population was found have the highest percentage (36.84%) of individuals with D2D2. It can be inferred that the commercial goat farms had eliminated the individuals with D2D2 through selection of productivity traits. Instead, the local goat farms had preserved D2D2 genotype by their random mating.

