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篇名 臺灣肉雞IGF-1 基因多型性與生長及屠體性狀之關聯
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Genetic polymorphisms of IGF-1 gene and its association with growth and carcass traits in Taiwan broiler
作者 張晨哲李岱洋凃汶均黃澤生羅玲玲
頁次 182-182
關鍵字 肉雞屠體性狀IGF-1BroilerCarcass traitIGF-1
出刊日期 201712


胰島素生長因子(IGF)基因影響家畜禽肌肉及內臟的生長,本研究目的在探討IGF-1 基 因與台灣肉雞生長及屠體性狀之關聯。採用 118 隻台畜十三號肉雞於春(2-6 月)秋(9-1 月)兩季飼養(公 47 隻、母 71 隻),飼養至 16 wk,0-4 wk 使用小雞飼料(CP≧18%); 5-10 wk 中雞飼料(CP≧15%);11-16 wk 肉雞飼料(CP≧15%)。每週秤重 1 次,於 10 wk 採血萃取 DNA 樣本,並使用 PCR-RFLP 方法分析IGF-1 的基因型。試驗雞於 16 wk 屠宰(Mean=2311 g,SD=113 g)並收集屠體資料。試驗雞隻未發現 AA 基因型,AC 基因型頻率為 0.178,CC 為 0.822,研究結果發現0-4 wk、5-10 wk、11-16 wk 增重與性 別及季節有顯著差異(P < 0.01),IGF-1 基因型在11-16 wk 有顯著的趨勢,但未達顯著水 準(P > 0.05);在肝臟重量則有顯著差異,肝臟重量 AC>CC(35.1359 vs. 30.5054, P = 0.0008)。試驗結果指出臺灣肉雞的IGF-1 基因雖具多型性但與內臟重量有較多的關聯。


Insulin-Like Growth factor gene (IGF) was reported to be associated with growth and weights of edible guts in poultry. Purpose of this study was to study the IGF-1 gene and its association with growth and carcass traits in Taiwan broiler. A total of 118 Taiwan Broiler No.13broilers were tested in two seasons (Feb. to June and Sep. to Jan) with 47 males and 71 females. All broilers were fed to 16 wk. Three standard broilers grower diets CP≧18%, ≧15% and CP≧ 15% were provided for 0-4 wk, 5-10 wk, and 11-16 wk age of birds, respectively. All birds were weighted each wk, and the DNA were extracted from blood samples at 10 wk of age. Method of PCR-RFLP was used for genotyping of IGF-1 gene. All birds were slaughtered at 16 wk (Mean=2311g,SD=113g), and carcass data were collected. AA genotype was missing in this population, with genotypic frequency of 0.178 for AC and 0.822 for CC genotypes. Results found that gender and season effects were significant on body weight gain of 0-4 wk, 5-10 wk, and 11-16 wk (P < 0.01). IGF-1 genotype had an effect on 11-16 wk body weight gain although not significant (P > 0.05). Birds with AC genotype had higher liver weight than those of CC genotype(35.1359 vs. 30.5054, P=0.0008). Results from this study indicated that the IGF-1 gene was associated with edible guts in Taiwan broiler.

