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篇名 CAST 基因 3 個SNP 位點多型性與純種豬隻屠體及 肉質性狀的關聯
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Association of 3 SNPs sites polymorphism in CAST gene with carcass and meat quality traits in purebred pigs
作者 陳靜宜黃俊源陳奕君謝泓芸羅玲玲
頁次 183-183
關鍵字 CAST 基因屠體性狀CAST geneCarcass traitsPigs
出刊日期 201712


研究發現位於豬隻第二號染色體的 Calpastatin(CAST)基因之單核苷酸多型性可做為肉類柔 嫩度的遺傳標記。本試驗採用 57 頭杜洛克、藍瑞斯及約克夏品種豬隻探討CAST 基因 3 個 位點的多型性與豬隻屠體與肉質性狀的關聯。血液樣本萃取之 DNA 以 PCR-RFLP 方法進行 基因型檢測。所有豬隻於檢定結束後(Mean = 101.4kg, SD = 7.6 kg)運送至屏東市台畜公司屠 宰並收集屠體及分切資料,再將腰脊肉樣本於中國文化大學遺傳育種實驗室進行肉質性狀分析。 三個SNP 位點之基因型與頻率可分為CAST/HinfI 位點:AA、AB、BB(0.09、0.54、0.37); CAST/ MspⅠ 位點 CC、CD、DD(0.25、0.53、0.23);CAST/RsaI 位點:EE、EF、FF(0.37、 0.44、0.19)。所有資料以 SAS 的 GLM 程序分析,發現HinfI 位點,AB 型之平均背脂厚 度比 AA 型薄(21.66±1.04 vs. 28.04±2.21 mm, P < 0.01),肌內脂肪 AB 型比 BB 型高 (2.34±0.29 vs.1.26±0.31%, P < 0.05),在MspI 位點中,瘦肉率以 DD 比 CD 高(59.74±1.51 vs. 55.70±0.88%, P < 0.05),在RsaI 位點中,EF 之堅實度比 FF 高(3.18±0.26 vs. 2.18±0.36, P < 0.05)。本研究結果顯示CAST 基因的 3 個 SNP 具備多型性,並與豬隻的屠體和肉質性 狀有關聯,可進一步確認作為遺傳標記輔助選拔的可能性。


Previous research found the SNPs of Calpastatin(CAST) gene which located in chromosome 2 can be a genetic marker of tenderness of meat. A total of 57 Duroc, Landrace, and Yorkshire pigs were used to detect association of the polymorphism in Cast gene with carcass and meat quality traits. Samples of DNA were extracted from blood and method of PCR-RFLP was used for genotyping. Pigs were weighted (Mean = 101.4kg, SD = 7.6 kg)before transported to Taiwan Farm Industry Company for slaughter, and carcass data were collected. Samples of loin muscles were transported to the Laboratory of Chinese Culture University for meat quality analysis. Genotypes and frequencies for the three SNPs were CAST/HinfI:AA, AB, BB(0.09, 0.54, 0.37); CAST/ MspⅠ: CC, CD, DD(0.25, 0.53, 0.23);CAST/RsaI:EE, EF, FF(0.37, 0.44, 0.19), respectively. Results from the SAS analysis found that the pigs with AB genotype had thinner backfat than those of AA genotype (21.66±1.04 vs..28.04±2.21mm, P < 0.01). Lean percentage of DD was higher than CD genotype (59.74±1.51vs.55.70±0.88%, P < 0.05), and firmness score of EF genotype was higher than FF (3.18±0.26 vs. 2.18±0.36, P < 0.05). Results of this study indicated the genetic polymorphisms of the 3 SNPs and were associated with the carcass and meat quality traits. Further study was required to confirm the results for using this marker for genetic selection.

