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篇名 飼糧中添加棕梠油粕及太空包混合物對種鵝體重及繁殖性能之影響
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Effects of palm kernel meal and spent mushroom compost on body weight and reproductive performance of breeder geese
作者 張伸彰林旻蓉李滋泰
頁次 186-186
關鍵字 體重棕梠油粕菇類太空包繁殖性狀白羅曼鵝Body weightPalm kernel mealSpent mushroom compostReproductive performanceWhite Roman goose
出刊日期 201712


本文主旨為探討休產期間種鵝餵飼棕梠油粕(PKM)及菇類太空包(SMC)飼糧對休產 鵝隻鵝體重變化及繁殖性能之影響。本試驗採用 12 齡白羅曼種鵝,216 隻依完全逢機設 計(Completely random design; CRD)分配基礎飼糧組、含 33%、66% 及 100% PKM 及 SMC 混合飼糧(PKS)之 4 種處理,每處理重複 3 次。試驗結果顯示,鵝隻餵飼添加 100% PKS 飼糧之 10 月齡之體重失重均顯著較對照組及 33% 及 66% PKS 者高(-1.74 vs -0.74、-0.87、-0.98 kg/bird)。鵝隻餵飼對照組及添加 33% 及 66% PKS 飼糧之 10 月 齡之體重顯著較餵飼添加 100% PKS 飼糧者重。各處理組之每隻種鵝產蛋數無差異。綜 述之,添加 PKS 飼糧對鵝隻體重變化較大反應,然對後續母鵝產蛋並無不利影響。


This study was to investigate the effects of palm kernel meal (PKM) and spent mushroom compost (SMC) on body weight and reproductive performance of breeder geese. The randomized complete design included four PKS (PKM+ SMC) treatments, i.e. control, 33%, 66% and 100% PKS groups, for a total of 4 groups. Two hundred sixteen White Roman geese, with an average age of 10 months, were distributed among 12 pens and fed a resting diet restricted during the resting laying period. The results showed that the geese fed with 100% PKS replace diet had a significant greater body weight change than those of control, 33% and 66% PKS groups (-1.74 vs. -0.74、-0.87、 -0.98 kg/bird) during resting period. The geese fed with control, 33%, 66% of PKS replace diet had a significant heavier on body weight than 100% PKS at 10 month age. The egg number per goose did not differ among the treatment groups. In conclusion, geese fed with PKS of diet on body weight change had not disadvantageous. Supplement of PKS had no adverse effect on egg number per goose of breeder geese.

