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篇名 豬間質幹細胞分化為棕色脂肪細胞之潛能
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Brown adipogenesis potential in porcine mesenchymal stem cells
作者 陳映朱蕭士翔彭劭于吳信志游玉祥
頁次 187-187
關鍵字 棕色脂肪棕色化間質幹細胞Brown adipocytesBrowningMesenchymal stem cellsPorcine
出刊日期 201712


棕色脂肪細胞源至間質幹細胞,其細胞系譜的決定和分化是受到相當複雜的分子調控。豬間質 幹細胞是否能被決定成為棕色脂肪細胞系譜和分化為棕色脂肪細胞仍是未知。本試驗旨在探討 豬間質幹細胞分化為棕色脂肪細胞和白色脂肪細胞棕色化之潛能,試驗結果顯示豬間質幹細胞 於骨形態發生蛋白的第7 個成員處理後能誘導棕色脂肪細胞系譜專一性基因的表現。進一步以 脂肪細胞分化誘導培養液刺激下,成熟棕色脂肪細胞之標的基因皆顯著提升。此外,以正腎上 腺素急性刺激豬白色脂肪細胞可顯著促進成熟棕色脂肪細胞之專一性基因和粒線體基因的表 現。試驗結果得知,豬間質幹細胞能走向棕色脂肪細胞系譜並分化為棕色脂肪細胞,已分化的 白色脂肪細胞具有棕色化為棕色脂肪細胞之潛能。


Brown adipocyte lineage commitment and differentiation are under complex regulation. Brown adipocytes are derived from mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). Whether pig MSCs possess the potential to differentiate into brown adipocytes remains unclear. In the current study, we evaluated the ability of porcine MSCs to differentiate into brown adipocytes and browning of differentiated adipocytes. We found that similar to rodent models, bone morphogenetic protein 7 (BMP7) was able to trigger the commitment of MSCs to the brown adipocyte lineage by elevating expression of marker genes. The expression of brown adipocyte-specific genes were significantly induced in BMP7-treated porcine MSCs after hormonal induction of adipogenesis. Furthermore, acute norepinephrine stimulation potentiated brown adipocyte-specific mRNA expression in differentiated adipocytes. In addition, expression of mitochondria-specific genes was also significantly increased in differentiated adipocytes after acute norepinephrine exposure. Taken together, these results demonstrate for the first time that porcine MSCs are able to commit to the brown adipocyte lineage and differentiate into brown adipocytes. Differentiated adipocytes derived from porcine MSCs have the developmental potential to trans-differentiae into brown-like adipocytes upon norepinephrine stimulation.

