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篇名 蘭嶼豬及賓朗豬血液生化指標之檢測
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Analysis of blood biochemical parameters in Lanyu pigs and binlang pigs
作者 吳昇陽章嘉潔郭自晏許晉賓
頁次 188-188
關鍵字 生化指標血液蘭嶼豬Biochemical parameterBloodMiniature
出刊日期 201712


本試驗在比較台灣蘭嶼豬和賓朗豬血液生化值差異,建立血液生化指標提供小型豬作 為實驗動物參考依據。採用全自動化生化分析儀測定小型豬血液的 20 項生化指標, 對三月齡公畜的血液生化值進行分析。試驗結果顯示,蘭嶼豬與賓朗豬之間有 11 項 指標,如 ALT、GGT、ALP、LDH、ALB、TG、BUN、CREAT、K、Mg 及 P 呈顯 著差異(P < 0.05),上述結果顯示品種可能影響各血液生化指標在不同群體間的變異。 蘭嶼豬血液生化指標處於人類參考值範圍中的分別為下列 9 項:ALB、A/G、TP、 BUN、CREAT、Mg、Na、Cl 及 Ca。賓朗豬血液生化指標處於人類參考值範圍中分 別為:A/G、TP、BUN、CREAT、Na、Cl 及 Ca 等 7 項。試驗結果顯示蘭嶼豬血 液生化指標,與人類正常參考值相近,可能具潛力開發為生物醫學研究之實驗動物。


The aim of this study was to compare the differences of blood biochemical values between the Lanyu pig with the Binlang pig bred in Taiwan. To determine the blood biochemical parameters, so as to provide the reference values for minipigs as laboratory animals. Twenty biochemical blood parameters of minipig males of 3 months old were analyzed on an automatic biochemical analyzer. Present results showed eleven blood biochemical parameters had significant differences between Lanyu pig and Binlang pig, there were significant differences in ALT, GGT, ALP, LDH, ALB, TG, BUN, CREAT, K, Mg and P (P < 0.05). The results revealed that some of these biochemical parameters variables could be affected by the minipig breed. Analytical results showed among nine blood biochemical parameters of Lanyu pig were similar to those of human reference values, for example ALB, A/G, TP, BUN, CREAT, Mg, Na, Cl and Ca. Seven blood biochemical parameters such as A/G, TP, BUN, CREAT, Na, Cl and Ca were measured in Binlang pig were similar to those of human reference values. It is concluded that some biochemical characteristics of Lanyu pigs closely resemble human beings, so it might be more suitable to be laboratory animals for biomedical research.

