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篇名 白羅曼公鵝生殖器發育評分
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 The score of the penile development of White Roman ga
作者 王錦盟王勝德
頁次 194-194
關鍵字 陰莖評分GoosePenileScore
出刊日期 201712


白羅曼鵝為季節性繁殖的禽類,公鵝生殖器的發育與成熟受光照長度的影響,生 殖器的評分則可提拱現場判定公鵝成熟的依據。本試驗以 12 月 25 日出生的白 羅曼公鵝為試驗動物。鵝隻飼養於臺灣中部的自然光照條件下,於 15 週齡開始 以每2週觀測一次的頻率進行公鵝陰莖型態觀測與評分。依陰莖的長度與螺紋的發 育情形將其分為 5 個等級。1 點的陰莖尚無發育的跡象;2 點的陰莖開始發育, 其表面開始出現凸起紋路;3 點的陰莖呈螺旋狀及條狀凸起紋路;4 點的陰莖出 現排狀凸起紋路且基部充分發育;5 點的陰莖則發育完全,呈現完整的螺蚊並可 採到含有精蟲的精液。


White Roman goose is a seasonal breed. The development and maturation of the goose is affected by light length. The simple method of penile scoring can be used to determine the maturation of the gander. The White Roman ganders were used in this study which was hatched at 25th December. And the ganders were growing under natural light condition at mid of Taiwan. We were starting to determine the penile of the birds at 15 weeks of age per 2 weeks. The type and size of the penile were recorded. According to type and size of the penile, the development of penile was divided into 5 grade from point 1 to 5. 1 point, there was no development of the penile obviously, 2 Points, the penile developed, and the protruding texture appeared, 3 points, appeared spiral penile, and have linear protruding texture, 4 points; the penile appeared many rows of protruding texture, and the bottom developed. 5 points, the penile developed completely, and the sperm can be found in the collected semen.

