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篇名 樹薯替代玉米為蛋雞飼料之研究
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Study of the use of cassava as corn replacement for laye
作者 陳馨慈顏佑霖陳孟賢王凱瑩陳盈豪林炳宏王淑音
頁次 195-195
關鍵字 樹薯蛋雞產蛋性能CassavaLayersLaying perfor
出刊日期 201712


本試驗之目的為利用國內生產之樹薯,以不同濃度之樹薯取代玉米做為蛋雞之飼料原料, 利用蛋雞之產蛋性能試驗決定樹薯之可替代性。樹薯則種植於東海大學牧場與嘉義民雄。 蛋雞 100 隻(漢德克)分為 4 組,每組 25 隻,依據 NRC 標準及樹薯成分配製產蛋雞 料(CP:17%, ME:2900 kcal/kg);飼料分為四組,其玉米成分分別以 0、10%、20% 及 30% 之樹薯取代,餵飼時間為20至40週齡。追蹤紀錄雞隻之體重、產蛋率、飼料消耗量、 蛋品質與血液生化值。結果顯示餵飼樹薯的蛋雞生產的雞蛋,在 32 週齡時,無論於產蛋 率、蛋殼厚度、蛋殼強度、豪氏分數及血液生化值等都與控制組沒有顯著差異,但是在蛋 黃色度方面則顯示強烈的相關性,餵飼越多樹薯的雞蛋蛋黃顏色越淡,表示樹薯所含的胡 蘿蔔波素不如玉米的玉米黃素及胡蘿蔔素高。綜言之,樹薯之應用於蛋雞雖無顯著較差之 效果,但 30% 樹薯取代玉米於蛋雞生長、產蛋等表現都有較控制組不佳之趨勢。取代率 達 20% 以下時,在生長、產蛋等表現無顯著差異,建議可以考慮以樹薯取代玉米最高達 20%,但需另餵飼可促進淡黃顏色之添加物。


This study was designed to utilize local grown cassava as replacement feedstuff for corn in layer feed. Cassava were grown in Tunghai University and Chiayi. Cassava were used to replace 0, 10%, 20% and 30% of corn in layer diet (CP: 17%, ME:2900kcal/kg). One hundred pullets were divided into four group and fed with feeds containing different levels of cassava (replace corn with 10%, 20%, 30% ) from 20 to 40 weeks of age. Feed consumption, body weight, egg production, egg quality and blood chemistry were recorded and analyzed. Results showed that except the yolk color, none of the observed parameters were different significantly. The yolk color decreased with the increased of cassava replacement. In summary, cassava can be used to replace corn up to 20% without affecting the laying performance of the laying hens, but some color enhancement treatment need to be concerned.

