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篇名 微生物混合菌種及綜合維他命對蛋雞之產蛋性能影響
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Effects of mixed probiotics and vitamins on laying performance of laying hens
作者 林珈玄陳泰安高志杰楊承恩顏佑霖王淑音
頁次 196-196
關鍵字 微生物混合菌種綜合維他命產蛋性能ProbioticsVitaminsLaying performance
出刊日期 201712


本研究擬探討於蛋雞飼料中添加SSB(枯草桿菌、脂胜肽、乳酸鈣、氯化膽鹽、 蛋胺酸及離胺酸等營養素)或 SSC【微生物混合菌種(枯草桿菌及芽孢桿菌)及 綜合維他命(A、D3、E、K、B2、B6、B12、菸鹼酸及泛酸)】,對於產蛋雞之產 蛋性能與蛋品質之影響。試驗採用 84 隻 50 週齡 ISA 產蛋雞分為控制組與試驗 組,每組 28 隻,餵飼商業用飼料,試驗組則添加 0.1% 之 SSB 或 SSC,試驗 維持 20 週至 70 週齡為止。結果顯示,試驗期間 SSB 與 SSC 餵飼組之蛋品質 與控制組並無差異,但是產蛋率都比控制組高,且比控制組延遲 9 週產蛋率才降 到 70% 以下,控制組於 59 週齡以後,產蛋率便降到 70% 以下,而 SSB 與 SSC 餵飼組至 68 週齡才降到 70% 以下。本研究證實蛋雞飼料中添加微生物混和菌種 及維他命營養素不僅能提升產蛋率,亦能延長產蛋期。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of Bacillus subtilis and nutrients (SSB) and probiotic mixture and mix vitamins (SSC) on laying performance and egg quality of the laying hens. Total of 84 50-wks-old laying hens were randomly assigned to control group, 0.1% probiotic, 0.1% SSB and 0.1 SSC%. Experiment lasts for 20 weeks. Results showed that no significant different were found in egg quality. However, the addition of SSB and SSC not only increased the egg production rate, but also extend the egg production period. The egg production rate of the control group dropped to below 70% at 59-wks-old, but the SSB and SSC groups did not show the drop until 68 wks-old, indicating a significant effect on extending the egg producing period.

