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篇名 植物萃取物去脂效果之初步結果探討
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Evaluation of the potential fat reduction effect of herbal extract in lipid accumulation
作者 陳薇稜潘健群高增婷周佑吉
頁次 198-198
關鍵字 黃芩丹參脂肪堆積減脂Scutellaria baicalensisSalvia miltiorrhizaLipids accumulationFat reduction
出刊日期 201712


以兩種細胞模式探討植物萃取物對於脂肪堆積的影響初步評估。其一利用 0.2~0.7 毫莫耳的 油酸來誘導人類肝臟表皮細胞株(hepatocytes)- HepG2 生成脂肪油滴,其二以脂肪細胞誘導 分化生成劑(adipogenic reagents)刺激 B57L/C6J 小鼠的脂肪前驅細胞(pre-adipocytes)- 3T3-L1 分化成脂肪細胞。以紅油染劑(oil red O, ORO)染色分析中性脂質含量,ELISA 分析 三酸甘油脂含量,上述量化數值的效果。以本實驗室提取的黃芩和丹參萃取物進行試驗,結果 發現丹參萃取物於濃度 200 g/mL 能減少 9.2% HepG2 細胞的三酸甘油脂生成,但相同濃度 之黃芩萃取物則無明顯效果(減低 10% 以上判讀為有效)。在 3T3-L1 細胞誘導模式中,黃 芩和丹參萃取物連續處理 5-7 天後,由分析結果得知兩者減少的中性脂質為 35.8% 和 54.9%。 由上述結果可知黃芩與丹參萃取物皆有抑制脂肪生成的效果,其影響在不同細胞株感受性與脂 質生成類型有所不同,故後續將著手蒐集資料開發最適化之調節脂肪代謝相關產品。


In the study, we used two cell models to investigate the effect of herbal extracts on lipid accumulation. One is that we used 0.2~0.7mM oleic acid for inducing lipid accumulation in HepG2, a Homo sapiens hepatocytes cell line. The other is that we used adipogenic reagents to trigger 3T3-L1 preadipocytes, which cell line was separated from B57L/C6J strain, differentiation into mature adipocytes. Both lipid accumulation models were analyzed neutral lipid by oil red O (ORO) stain and triglyceride content by commercial ELISA kit. For evaluating the effect of herbal extract in lipid accumulation model, those results were regarded acceptable as the lipid induction at positive control was increase at least 1.5 fold and 2 fold for neutral lipid and triglyceride quantification, respectively, than the negative control. The root extracts from Scutellaria baicalensis (B) and Salvia miltiorrhiza (M) were prepared for the experiments. In HepG2 cell model, the results showed 200 g/ml extract (B) could attenuate 9.2% triglyceride formation, but not reduce the neutral lipid content. However, the same dosage of extract (M) did not have the obvious effect in both lipid contents. In 3T3-L1 preadipocyte differentiation model, after extract B and M treated for 5 to 7 days, the data showed that both extracts could reduce neutral lipid for 35.8% and 54.9%, respectively. Taken together, the results showed that both extract B and M have the potential effect for inhibiting fat production although the efficacy was varied depending on the susceptibility of cell types and the kinds of lipid production. Therefore, we will gather experimental data and make an effort to optimize the product development of lipid metabolism regulation.

