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篇名 飼料添加提升免疫力物質以提升商業用途蛋黃抗體之生產
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Enhancement of immunity with feed supplelment can improve the yield of IgY in commercialized antibody production
作者 楊承恩周婉芝廖郁銘王凱瑩王淑音
頁次 200-200
關鍵字 蛋黃抗體蛋雞根黴菌發酵萃取物IgYLaying henPhizopus Formosa
出刊日期 201712


本研究之目的在於探討於蛋雞飼料中添加免疫促進物質對於蛋雞抗體生產量的影響及利 用產蛋期後期母雞之可能性。本試驗使用先前本研究團隊已證實可提升雞隻免疫力的根黴 菌發酵萃取物(ROE),生產 IgY 的蛋雞則是採用 80 週齡的蛋雞。使用商業飼料添加 250 ppm ROE 餵飼,先以抗原 X 及 Y 免疫,之後由雞蛋黃中萃取雞蛋黃抗體(IgY),再 以 ELISA 分析評估可辨認抗原 X 與 Y 的專一性抗原活性。結果顯示飼料裡添加 RU, 不僅可以增加母雞的產蛋率(先前研究結果),亦可以提升雞隻的免疫力,使能產生較高 量之專一性抗體。綜言之,在飼料裡添加 RU 不僅能增加產蛋率,亦能提升專一性抗體 之產量,且能延長即將淘汰母雞之經濟價值,可應用於需要大量生產工業所需抗體之蛋雞 系統,並且尚可延長老母雞之利用時程,以達「降低使用動物隻數,但是產能不變」的最 大利用率。


The purpose of this study is to study the feasibility of immunizing low egg producing rate hens supplement with 250 ppm Rhizopus Ushikoshi (ROE) in the diet in ordering to increase specific antibody's titer. ROE has been proofed to increase immunity of chickens and to extend the egg producing period of the hens. Eighty weeks old hens were immunized with antigens (X and Y, respectively). Chicken antibodies (IgY) were purified from chicken egg yolk, specific antibody's activity was determined by direct ELISA. Results showed that hens fed with RU has higher antibody titer, and this result can be applied to older hens (age >80 weeks) as well. This study indicated that the biological supplement RU is not only able to increase chicken egg production rate, it can also help to improve chicken's health condition and produce higher specific antibody's titer. This result indicated that RU supplement is suitable to applied for commercial antibody production to fit industry purpose.

