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篇名 專業證照對專業承諾之關聯性-以美容美髮師為例
卷期 30
並列篇名 Association of professional licenses with professional commitment - a case study for beauticians and hairdressers
作者 蔡文玲鄭美昭
頁次 111-120
關鍵字 專業承諾專業證照美容師美髮師professional commitmentprofessional licensebeauticianhairdresser
出刊日期 201710


美容與美髮業屬於專業化的技術性服務,而擁有證照可以強化個人專業能力的象徵。然而, 取得證照是否會提升美容美髮師的專業承諾呢?本研究目的為探討美容及美髮師的專業證照對專 業承諾的關聯性。收集399位美容及美髮師的問卷調查,採用SPSS 17 版進行統計分析。研究結 果發現,同時擁有美髮乙級和丙級證照,對美髮師的專業承諾達統計上顯著的影響;美髮證照比 美容證照有較高專業認同而影響其專業承諾。因此,未來應加強美容師對美容證照的認同來提升 其對此專業之承諾。


Beauty and hairdressing business is a specialized technical service, and having a license might strengthen the symbol of the individual's professionalism. However, whether obtaining a professional license will enhance the professional commitment for the beauticians and hairdressers? The purpose of the research is to investigate the associations of the professional licenses for the beauticians or hairdressers with their professional commitments. A total of 399 questionnaires were collected and analyzed using SPSS version 17. The results show that hairdressers with both of the hairdressing B and C licenses have a statistically significantly higher professional commitment than the others. Meanwhile, we also observe those possessing the hairdressing licenses have a higher professional recognition than those with the beauty licenses, thus affecting their professional commitment. Therefore, we should focus to enhance the recognition of the professional beauty license for the beauticians in the future, thus to improve their professional commitment.
