
本土心理學研究 TSSCI

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篇名 「個我」與「大我」:以雙文化自我觀點建構台灣大學生生涯敘說
卷期 47
並列篇名 Individual Self and Big Self: The Construction of Taiwan University Students’ Career Narratives from the Bicultural Self Perspective
作者 洪瑞斌
頁次 161-232
關鍵字 大學生生涯發展敘說研究雙文化自我bicultural selfcareer developmentnarrative researchuniversity studentsTSCITSSCI
出刊日期 201706
DOI 10.6254/2017.47.161


為理解台灣大學生之高比例生涯未定向現象,本研究針對2所私 立大學之10 名大學生,4 男6 女,深度訪談他們的生涯發展歷程。 經敘說研究之分析發現,所有個案生涯敘說可歸納為四個類型或群 體,分別為「他人取向型」、「自我取向型」、「居間取向群體」以 及「無動力取向群體」。本研究進一步發現前述四者背後之生涯敘說 主題即為「個我」與「大我」。本研究並加入本土心理學之「雙文化 自我」觀點,再與相關文獻進行反思及討論,並發現二股生涯動力之 互動、拉扯,可能增加台灣大學生生涯定向之困難與複雜性。


The purpose of this study is to understand the phenomenon of high percentages of career undecided university students in Taiwan. I conducted in-depth interviews with 10 students, 4 males and 6 females at two private universities. Using narrative analysis methods, I divided the interviews into four types: Other-oriented, self-oriented, in-between oriented, and motivelessness-oriented. I extracted the themes of individual self and self-for-collective from the four. The study also includes bicultural self views from indigenous psychology to discuss the results, and I find the interaction and struggle between two career dynamics of Taiwan university students perhaps increase the difficulties and complexity to make career decision.
