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篇名 美國課程史研究的過去與未來:兼論對臺灣課程史研究的啟示
卷期 39
並列篇名 The past and future of the American curriculum history research: Also on its implications for Taiwanese curriculum history research
作者 鍾鴻銘
頁次 083-114
關鍵字 課程史教育史再概念化修正主義克立巴德curriculum historyeducational historyeducational historyreconceptualizationrevisionismKliebard
出刊日期 201712




The aim of this paper was to explicate the past and future trends of curriculum history research in America. This paper indicated that before 1960s the attribute of curriculum history research was analytic research. Since early 1970s critical curriculum history was initiated, and curriculum history research became a distinct research area. Recently curriculum history research is getting mature, and its trends include: curriculum historiography is self-examining; research area is widening; research approach is proliferating; research explanation is toward multiplicity. The five trends mentioned above could be reference and inspiration for Taiwan nascent curriculum history research
