
建築學報 TSSCI

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篇名 臺滿殖民地日本人建築家小野木孝治建築經歷與建築設計之研究(1874-1932)
卷期 102
並列篇名 The Study of the Architectural Career and Architectural Design of the Japanese Architect Onogi Takaharu in the Colonies of Taiwan and Manchuria (1874-1932)
作者 陳建仲傅朝卿
頁次 075-100
關鍵字 小野木孝治滿洲建築協會滿洲建築雜誌滿鐵建築課滿洲Onogi TakaharuThe Architectural Association of ManchuJournal of the Architectural Association of ManchuConstruction Section of the South Manchuria Railway CoLtdManchuriaTSCITSSCI
出刊日期 201712
DOI 10.3966/101632122017120102005




During the Meiji era, navy technician Onogi Takaharu has left for the Empire of Japan’s overseas colonies to develop his professional career. Four years after serving as a technician in the Governor’s office of Taiwan, Japan’s victory over the Russo-Japanese War created another career peak for Onogi, and he was promoted by Gotō Shinpei to serve as the first chief of construction section for the South Manchuria Railway Co., Ltd.(SMR). Onogi part-timed as the construction section supervisor for the SMR while holding the position of an official in Taiwan. This unique and special experience deserved historical researches to provide an exclusive compilation on the achievements, impacts, and evaluations of his career. Onogi’s career period could be divided into three phases according to his profession: when he served as a technician in Taiwan, when he served as a chief of construction section in the SMR, and when he was in charge of the Onogi and Partners office. Except for the four years working in Taiwan, Manchuria was where Onogi’s career achievements lied as well as his final resting place. The SMR was the primary promoter of “colonial modernity” in Manchuria. Onogi has built the foundation and scale of modernization in Manchuria under his 16-years leadership. The formation of cities and architectures in Manchuria has nearly dominated by Onogi Takaharu’ s thought.
