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篇名 國小學童使用Livemocha 英語學習系統的英語學習經驗
卷期 12:2
並列篇名 Exploring EFL Elementary Students* Language Learning Experience on Livemocha
作者 沈昱璋葉惠菁
頁次 001-030
關鍵字 電腦輔助語言學習社群網站LivemochaComputer-assisted language learningsocial network siteLivemocha
出刊日期 201806
DOI 10.6618/HSSRP.201806_12(2).1


語言學習社群網站的出現帶動一股新的語言學習風潮一語言學習者和母語 人士的互惠學習。然而,過去關於這方面的研究鮮少以國小學生為對象。對於國 小學生用語言學習社群網站學習的經驗及他們的看法所知甚少。因此,本研究在 探討國小學生使用全世界最大的語言學習社群網站Livemocha學習英語的經驗 及其看法。實驗對象為台灣中部某國小的四十位六年級學生。研究資料包括學生 使用網站的活動記錄、一份研究問卷及焦點團體訪談的記錄。收集的資料以描述 性統計及主題分析法加以分析。結果顯示學生普遍對於用Livemocha網站學習英 語有正面的看法,並且認為Livemocha是一個有用的語言學習工具。學生們也指 出幾項Livemocha系統中的缺點並提出改善的建議。此研究的發現將有助於語言 教育者改善其教學,並對於語言學習者使用不同方式學習有啟示作用。


The advent of social network sites which were designed for language learning launched a new trend of language learning —reciprocal learning between learners and native speakers of the target language. However, little is known about young learners’ experiences as well as their attitudes toward using social network sites for language learning. This study aims to explore EFL elementary students’ learning experiences and attitudes toward the largest social network site (SNS) designed for language learning, Livemocha. Participants of this study were 40 EFL sixth-grade students recruited from an elementary school in central Taiwan. The data included the students’ action records, a questionnaire, and transcripts of the focus group interviews. Descriptive statistics and thematic analysis were used to analyze the data. The results indicated that the students had positive experiences and attitudes toward using Livemocha for language learning, while some designs in the system needed improving. The findings have implications for language instructors and learners.
