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篇名 明治浪漫主義文学における自我確立の論理とレトリックの展開―森鷗外のドイツ三部作を軸として―
卷期 47
並列篇名 明治浪漫主義文學中自我確立之邏輯論理與修辭表現―以森鷗外之德國三部作為主軸―
作者 黄旭暉
頁次 001-023
關鍵字 明治浪漫主義文学自我確立レトリック森鷗外ドイツ三部作明治浪漫主義文學自我確立修辭森鷗外德國三部作Meiji Romantic LiteratureSelf-establishedRhetoricMori OgaiThe Germany Trilogy
出刊日期 201807


至今已有諸多論點研究自明治20 年左右起日本浪漫主義文學與西洋間相 互關連性的論文,但該些論文多止於作家論等類屬於國文學研究範籌。承如笹 淵友一所言:「先前的論文研究幾乎傾向於作家論,但我認為有必要將研究視角 返回到作品論才對」。對此,筆者認同笹淵友一的看法,本論文將從作品論的角 度,以小說作品為研究中心,探究日本浪漫主義的諸多特徵。亦即,以明治新 文學的啟蒙者・森鷗外其初期作品集中之德國三部作為研究對象,探究這些作 品裡的修辭表現所隱含出哪些創作者的文學思潮或藝術觀等。具體而言,從作 品主角人物的自我覺醒觀點切入,究其自我確立之邏輯論理是如何被開展?創 作者所抱持的個人自由主義思想或精神在作品中是如何被表現其中?藉此,從 言語結構來探究日本浪漫主義文學的特徵,及創作者思想根基為何。


Although there have been many studies about since the Meiji 20 years from the Japanese romantic literature and the interdependence between the Western papers. But the papers are more than writers and other categories belong to the national literature research.I agree with the Sasabuchi Tomoichi of a statement that from the perspective of literary theory, to fiction works as the research center, to explore the many characteristics of Japanese romanticism.That is, this paper is the enlightener of the new literature of Meiji that is Mori Ogai whose Germany Trilogy as research target, explore the rhetorical performance that has been built in these novels to show the creator's literary thoughts or artistic views.In particular,from the protagonist of the work of self-awakening point of view cut, how is the logical theory of self-establishment being carried out? Is the author's personal liberal thoughts or spirits held in the works? In this way, from the speech performance structure, to explore the characteristics of Japanese romantic literature, and the creator of the ideological basis.
