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篇名 外在注意焦點提高曲棍球精熟者推球的準確性與穩定性
卷期 51:3
並列篇名 Enhancing pushing accuracy and stability through an external focus of attention in hockey experts
作者 林靜兒李幸陵
頁次 345-356
關鍵字 高中運動員動態注意焦點單一注意焦點OPTIMALsenior high school athletedynamic focus of attentionpure focus of attentionOPTIMAL theoryTSSCI
出刊日期 201809
DOI 10.3966/102472972018095103006


緒論:目前的研究發現外在注意焦點有益於個體的動作技能表現,但對精熟者而言 除了固定或單一的注意焦點外,動態注意焦點亦可能是影響精熟者動作表現的重要因素 之一,因此,本研究探討單一注意焦點及動態注意焦點對精熟者推球動作的效應。方法: 招募18 名高中男子曲棍球校隊運動員 (平均年齡16.5 ± 0.8 歲,平均球齡3.9 ± 2.1 年), 採用受試者內設計讓實驗參加者在外在注意焦點、內外動態注意焦點及近遠動態注意焦 點情境下各完成5 次推球,共計15 球,每次試作後記錄得分、落點座標、推球速度及填 寫依照指導語完成實驗工作程度的自我評估表,並在完成所有試作後填寫注意焦點策略 問卷。結果:經相依樣本單因子變異數分析發現,(一) 外在注意焦點的得分 (35.89 ± 8.33 分) 顯著高於內外動態 (26.78 ± 11.44 分) 與近遠動態注意焦點 (25.89 ± 12.28 分)。(二) 外在注意焦點的離心誤差 (75.96 ± 22.53 公分)、內外動態注意焦點的離心誤差 (84.49 ± 26.88 公分) 與近遠動態注意焦點的離心誤差 (84.14 ± 21.92 公分) 未達統計顯著差異。 (三) 外在注意焦點的變異誤差 (54.16 ± 15.37 公分)、內外動態注意焦點的變異誤差 (63.59 ± 18.79 公分) 與近遠動態注意焦點的變異誤差 (60.52 ± 23.29 公分) 未達統計顯著 差異。(四) 外在注意焦點擊中標靶的變異誤差 (34.53 ± 9.94 公分) 顯著低於內外動態 (50.15 ± 15.14 公分) 與近遠動態的注意焦點 (45.31 ± 15.45 公分)。本研究的結論認為: 曲棍球精熟者使用外在注意焦點相較於內外動態注焦點與近遠動態注意焦點,較能有效 的將球推至目標範圍且具有較高的穩定性。


Introduction: Current research was considered that an external focus was beneficial for motor skill performance. However, for expert, in addition to single focus of attention, the dynamic focus of attention probably was an important factor that influenced expert’s motor performance. Therefore, this study aimed to examine the effects of pure and dynamic focus of attention on expert’s pushing performance. Methods: Eighteen male senior high school hockey athletes (age = 16.5 ± 0.8 years, training experience = 3.9 ± 2.1 years) were recruited to participate in the study. Using the within-participant design, each participant completed 5 pushes for each of external focus, internal-external dynamic focus and near-far dynamic focus experimental conditions. All participants completed 15 trials in testing session. Pushing score, coordinates, push speed, and self-assessment of following instruction after every trial were recorded, and participant filled the questionnaire of the focus of attention strategy after completed all trials. Pushing score, radial error, variable error and variable error on the target were calculated for each condition. Data were analyzed by one-way repeated measures ANOVA. Results: (a) The pushing score of external focus (35.89 ± 8.33) was significant higher than the internal-external dynamic focus (26.78 ± 11.44) and the near-far dynamic focus (25.89 ± 12.28). (b) The radial error of external focus (75.96 ± 22.53cm), internal-external dynamic focus (84.49 ± 26.88cm) and near-far dynamic focus (84.14 ± 21.92cm) were not significant difference. (c) The variable error of external focus (54.16 ± 15.37cm), internal-external dynamic focus (63.59 ± 18.79cm) and near-far dynamic focus (60.52 ± 23.29cm) were not significant difference. (d) The variable error on the target of external focus (34.53 ± 9.94cm) was significant lower than the internal-external dynamic focus (50.15 ± 15.14cm) and the near-far dynamic focus (45.31 ± 15.45cm). Conclusion: The results showed that expert hockey players adopted the external focus of attention not only makes pushing effectively but also has higher stability rather than internal-external dynamic focus and near-far dynamic focus.
