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篇名 一般閱聽者對舞蹈藝術美學體驗之認知研究
卷期 23:3
並列篇名 A Study on Audience Perception of Aesthetic Experience in Dance Performance
作者 房文婷高婭娟曾照薰林伯賢
頁次 023-046
關鍵字 美學體驗認知舞蹈藝術評估矩陣AestheticsAudience PerceptionDance ArtEvaluation MatrixScopusTHCI
出刊日期 201809




An artist’s description of things becomes an aesthetic experience through the artistic means of painting, music, dancing and drama. Dancing uses body languages with which the choreographist combines movements, gestures, techniques and rhythms into the artistic code. It is primarily appreciated visually and can also be enjoyed auditorily and imaginatively to satisfy the audience’s aesthetic experience. This paper first discusses relevant literature from the prospective of aesthetic experience of dancing art, communication model of artistic creation and cognitive pattern of aesthetic experience to understand how the artists encode during the artistic creation and how the audience decode during the cognitive process. The research subject of this paper is the nine dances in the In Praise of Golden Age. Questionnaires, multiple regression, t-test and other quantitative methods are employed to study how the general audience obtain pleasant aesthetic experience. The main purpose is to discuss the key elements in the evaluation matrix of aesthetic experience in dancing art, and study how the general audience understand the works and appreciate the aesthetic experience. The research shows that the appreciative key to the general audience’s aesthetic experience in dancing art is the artistic works created by the artists through technical level, semantic level and effective level. The general audience’s process of aesthetic experience is the experience created by the sense of beauty resulted from the cognition of the image, the impression and the idea.
