
戶外遊憩研究 TSSCI

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篇名 遊憩者的個人投入重要嗎?遊憩涉入、投入與心流體驗關係之研究
卷期 31:3
並列篇名 Does Recreationist Engagement Matter? A Study of the Relationship among Recreation Involvement, Engagement, and Flow Experience
作者 陳美存鄭天明蕭祐詠
頁次 061-084
關鍵字 遊憩涉入投入心流體驗登山活動Recreation involvementEngagementFlow experienceHiking activityTSSCI
出刊日期 201809
DOI 10.6130/JORS.201809_31(3).0003




The aim of this research was to study the construct of “engagement,” to identify its role in recreation behavior, to empirically validate its influence on the relationship between recreation involvement and flow experience, and to explore the plausibility of promising mediating mechanisms for this construct. We collected 404 questionnaires from hikers in a middlehigh altitude mountainous area, and employed structural equation modeling (SEM) to construct the correlations between variables. The results showed that for people participating in hiking activities, those with a significantly greater degree of involvement showed greater engagement. Hikers who showed a higher engagement generally had a greater flow experience. Furthermore, in the relationship between recreation involvement and flow experience, the role of engagement is crucial. In other words, recreation involvement affects flow experience via mediation by engagement. Finally, this study provides suggestions for management and for future research.
