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篇名 驅動學校改進的評鑑機制
卷期 118
並列篇名 Evaluation as a Mechanism for School Improvement
作者 潘慧玲
頁次 126-144
關鍵字 評鑑之用結果性用途過程性用途學校改進evaluation usefindings useprocess useschool
出刊日期 201811
DOI 10.6423/HHHC.201811_(118).0008


自1960年代末,由於評鑑結果經常不被使用,故學界展開了有關「評鑑 之用」(evaluation use)的相關討論。當時側重評鑑所發揮的「結果性用途」 (findings use),亦即關心評鑑結果能有哪些用途,以及被使用的幅度有多 大。後至1990年代末,「過程性用途」(process use)開始被提出,研究的焦點 轉至評鑑歷程中,個體在想法與行為上產生的改變,以及因為評鑑的實施,所 造成方案或組織程序與文化上的改變,而此也引發了後續提出許多導向組織 學習與發展的評鑑取徑(approaches)。本文為闡釋評鑑可作為驅動學校改進的 機制,分以結果性用途與過程性用途為切入點;首先說明此二類「評鑑之用」 的概念發展,接續則以運用不同評鑑取徑的個案,分析其如何發揮結果性用 途與過程性用途,以帶動學校的革新與發展。


In the late 1960s, evaluation use was of interest to evaluators. It was prompted by the criticism that evaluation results were not used. Researchers sought to investigate how evaluation findings might be used and to what extent they were used. At the end of the 1990s, process use was subsequently proposed. It refers to individuals’ changes in thinking and behavior, as well as program or organizational changes in procedures and culture during the evaluation process. Moreover, the notion of process use has initiated the development of different evaluation approaches to organizational learning and development. In this paper, the concepts of findings use and process use were employed to analyze how evaluation as a mechanism to facilitate school improvement. In addition, the analysis of cases using different evaluation approaches was presented to reveal how the two types of evaluation uses link to school innovation and development.
