
中國統計學報 EconLit

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篇名 家庭動態調查:樣本結構、問卷内容、資料外釋與應用
卷期 56:4
並列篇名 The Panel Study of Family Dynamics: Samples, Questionnaires, Data Dissemination and Applications
作者 于若蓉黃奕嘉
頁次 098-115
關鍵字 家庭動態調查追蹤調查存活分析隨機效果模型樣本流失Panel Study of Family Dynamicspanel studylongitudinal surveysurvival analysisrandom-effects modelsample attritionEconLitTSCI
出刊日期 201812


這篇論文的主要目的,在介紹華人家庭研究計畫在臺灣、中國大陸東南沿海省市所進行的 家庭動態調查。家庭動態調查是以家庭爲主要議題的追蹤調查,臺灣調查的訪問對象除25歲以 上的成年人口外,在前述主樣本的子女滿16歲時,亦納入訪問樣本進行逐期追蹤調查。自1999 年進行首次調查迄今,訪問最久的主樣本群,已完成了十七個波次的問卷訪問。堪稱臺灣規模最 大、完訪波次最多的追蹤調查。至於在中國大陸上海、福建、浙江三個省市所做的調查,是以臺灣 調查爲藍本的追蹤調查;自2004年進行至今,已完成五個波次的問卷訪問。研究者除可運用臺 灣的調查資料進行分析外,可與中國大陸蒐集的調查資料進行跨地域的比較研究。對於家庭、勞 動、人口等領域有興趣的研究者,家庭動態調查資料是非常難能可貴的研究素材。此外,家庭動 態調查所蒐集的豐富周邊資料,可配合問卷資料進行方法研究。在這篇論文中,除介紹家庭動態 調查的樣本結構、問卷內容、資料蒐集方式之外,也說明如何取得資料、查詢資料的研究成果,並 說明可能的研究課題。非常期盼這項珍貴的調查資料,能更廣爲統計學者或其他領域的研究者 應用。


The purpose of this study is to introduce the Panel Study of Family Dynamics (PSFD) survey conducted in Taiwan and the southeastern coast of China (Shanghai, Fujian, and Zhejiang). The major theme of the PSFD project is family issues. The main respondents of the Taiwan PSFD survey are adults aged 25 and older. Once the children of the main respondents reach age 16, they are included in the respondents. Since 1999, seventeen waves of survey data have been collected for the initial group of main respondents of Taiwan. As to the PSFD survey conducted in China, five waves of data collection have been completed since 2004. The survey data collected in Taiwan and China can be jointly analyzed for cross-regional comparison purposes. The panel data collected are highly valuable in research fields such as population, family, and labor studies. In addition, the paradata collected along with the survey data can be used to explore research topics on survey methodology. In addition to introducing the sample structure, questionnaires, and data collection practice, this study also introduces how to get access to data and search for publications based on the data. Potential applications of the data are also discussed. Through this study, the authors expect that the PSFD data can be more widely applied by statisticians and other researchers.
