
運輸學刊 TSSCI

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篇名 我國軌道運輸系統獨立驗證制度之探討
卷期 30:2
並列篇名 The Study of Independent Certifications in Railway Systems in Taiwan
作者 林杜寰孫千山李治綱張開國葉祖宏吳熙仁
頁次 139-164
關鍵字 軌道系統獨立驗證營運安全Railway SystemsIndependent CertificationOperation SafetyTSSCI
出刊日期 201806


我國自99 年施行「大眾捷運系統履勘作業要點」,要求軌道系統在初勘、 履勘前應提出「整體系統之獨立驗證與認證報告」,惟報告之內容、執行者要件、及報告項目等並未明訂於本要點中。本研究藉由國際上軌道系統獨立驗證 制度的探討,並整理近年國內專案的作業內容與實務作業面臨之問題,建議: (1) 應調整為「整體系統之獨立驗證報告」以符合其內容,(2) 獨立驗證報告內 容應為整體系統營運安全之符合性評鑑成果,(3) 應盡早於綜合規劃階段規劃 獨立驗證需求,(4) 長期應建立制度以確保出具此報告機構具備獨立 (公正) 性 與專業性。


Since 2010, the Regulation, which defines the requirements and procedures of on-site inspections by the government before the approval of railway revenue service, had been implemented to ask an Independent Verification and Validation report. The report should be issued to the government before the on-site inspections. However, the details of this report are not defined in the Regulation, including the content of the report, the qualifications of issuers, and the scope of certifications. This study reviewed the similar mechanisms adopted in international railway systems, and summarized the practical problems in recent local projects to suggest: (1) The title of “Independent Verification and Validation Report for Whole System” should be modified to be “Independent Certification Report for Whole System”. (2) The content of this certification report are the results of conformity assessment for operation safety. (3) The requirements of independent certification shall be pre-planned in detailed planning. (4) In long-term, the mechanism shall be established to ensure the independency (impartiality) and professional expertise are included in the required qualifications for report issuers.
