
電子商務學報 TSSCI

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篇名 社會連結強度、產品知覺風險與沉浸感對消費者行為意圖 之影響─以Facebook 塗鴉牆推薦訊息為例
卷期 20:2
並列篇名 The Study of Tie Strength, Perceived Diagnosticity and Flow to Consumer Behavior Intention - The Case of Facebook
作者 吳倫睿李小梅
頁次 189-216
關鍵字 連結強度知覺風險訊息診斷性購買意圖推薦意圖Tie strengthperceived riskperceived diagnosticitypurchase intentionreferral intentionTSSCI
出刊日期 201812
DOI 10.6188/JEB.201812_20(2).0003


本研究探討社群網站情境下,消費者決策制定過程之影響因素。採用實驗法,以 「Facebook 開店應用程式」為例,針對連結強度(強/弱)、知覺風險(高/低) 分為四組進行實驗操弄。結果顯示連結強度對於消費者訊息診斷性具有顯著差異;知 覺風險之高低對於連結強度與訊息診斷性間具有干擾效果;訊息診斷性對於消費者行 為意圖具有正向影響;沉浸感對於訊息診斷性與購買意圖之間具有正向調節效果。實 務建議在社群環境中,企業應重視強連結對於消費者決策的重要性,以及適合推廣低 風險產品,同時考量自家商品是否適用於社群網站,進而採用相關應用程式功能。


This study analyzes factors that influence customers’ decision making process in the context of social networking websites. With the use of “Facebook Store App” as an example, experimental method is adopted to allow manipulation of four groups divided by tie strength (strong/weak) and perceived risk (high/low). The results show that significant difference exists between tie strength and perceived diagnosticity; the level of perceived risk has interference effect on tie strength and perceived diagnosticity; perceived diagnosticity positively influences customers’ behavior intention; flow has positive moderating effect on perceived diagnosticity and purchase intention. The study suggests that in the context of social networking sites, businesses should value the importance of strong ties on customers’ decisions. Low perceived risk products are more suitable to be sold.
