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篇名 TABATA訓錬對國小學童體適能之影響
卷期 28
並列篇名 The influence of TABATA training on the physical fitness of elementary school students
作者 謝丞皓王信民陳燕修吳明灝
頁次 001-014
關鍵字 TABATA訓練體適能體重控制ABATA trainingphysical fitnessweight control
出刊日期 201806


本研究之目的為探討國小學童接受為期十週的「TABATA訓練」後,對於國小學 童體適能之影響。對象為臺中市大甲區順天國民小學高年級學生,並以年齡及性別對 應其身體質量指數(BMI)超過22.7~23.9以上的男、女學童為實驗對象,共13位學生為 實驗受試者,然後進行為期十週的TABATA訓練,再以相依樣本t考驗以來比對前、 後測成績差異性,採a = .05的顯著水準。結果如下:(1)體脂肪率(PBF)前測平均值為 27.85%,後測平均值為25.82%,前後測考驗在統計上達顯著差異;⑵仰臥起坐前測平 均值為19.53下,後測平均值為23.92下,前後測考驗在統計上達顯著差異;(3)坐姿體 前彎前測平均值為27.62公分,後測平均值為28.77公分,前後測考驗統計上未達顯著 差異;(4)立定跳遠前測平均值為133.69公分,後測平均值為139.85公分,前後測考驗 在統計上達顯著差異;(5)800公尺跑走前測平均值為367.00秒,後測平均值為331.85 秒,前後測考驗在統計上達顯著差異;(6)身體質量指數(BMI)前測平均值為26.33,後 測平均值為26.08,前後測考驗上皆未達顯著水準。由研究結果顯示,TABATA訓練對 於國小學童在體脂肪率(BPF)、在肌耐力、柔軟度都有明顯改善,但在爆發力與心肺耐 力以及身體質量指數(BMI)未有明顯的改善。


The purpose of this research is to study the influence on the physical fitness of elementary school students after taking TABATA training for ten weeks. The senior students of Shun-Tien elementary school in Dajia District, Taichung whose BMI are over 22.7〜23.9. Thirteen students are dispatched randomly to test group. Thirteen students in test group take TABATA training for ten weeks. Comparing the different within the group by paired T test at the level ofa=.05, the result is concluded as follows: (1) average BPF before TABATA training is 27.85% and 25.82% after the training, reaching significant difference level within test group (2) average frequency of sit-ups is 19.53 times before TABATA training and 23.92 times after the training, reaching significant difference level within test group (3) average of the frequency of sit-and-reach is 27.62 cm before taking TABATA training and 28.77cm after the training, not significant difference level within test group (4) average of standing-broad jump is 133.69 cm before taking TABATA training and 139.85 cm after the training, significant difference level within test group (5) average time of 800-meter running is 367.00 seconds before the training and 331.85 seconds after the training, significant difference level within test group (6) average of BMI is 26.33 before taking TABATA training and 26.08 after the training, not significant difference level. According to the result of the research, the flexibility and muscular endurance of elementary school students improves and PBF decreases after TABATA training while muscular power, cardiorespiratory endurance, and BMI improve insignificantly.
