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篇名 特奧運動介人對智能障礙學生運動競技體適能之影響
卷期 28
並列篇名 Special Olympics Exercise intervention on mental retardation effects of students' physical fitness
作者 黃聖山黃智能鄧政偉張世沛楊昌斌
頁次 015-030
關鍵字 智能障礙學生體適能適應體育特奧Intelligent disabilities Physical fitnessAdapted physical educationSpecial Olympic Games
出刊日期 201806


本研究目的旨在探討國立花蓮特殊教育學校實施運動介入對智能障礙學生運動競 技體適能的影響。以國立花蓮特殊教育學校中度智能障礙學生為研究對象,進行12 週、每週4次的特奧適應體育課程教學活動,探討介入訓練前、後競技體適能之表現 成效。本研究分析受試學生經由12週運動介入前後的各項體適能參數變化量的改變差 異。以t-test分析各變數達顯著水準p<.05。結果發現:經過12週的運動介入,訓練組 的學生在瞬發力、速度、協調性、敏捷性等競技體適能方面,訓練組後測達顯著水準 (p<.〇5),後測成績皆比前測成績進步;且在速度及敏捷性方面之競技體適能,經後測 差異比較結果,訓練組優於控制組,顯示運動訓練有助於運動競技體適能的有效提昇。


Purpose in discussion National Hualien special school implementation Special Olympic Games intervention on intelligent obstacles students body suitable can of effect, Method: Study on intellectual impairment to school National Hualien education schools of students as an object, 12 Week per week 4 Special Olympics of adapted physical education curriculum and teaching activities, discuss competitive physical fitness performance before and after training. This study tested students through 12 weeks of exercise before and after the intervention of the fitness parameters changes in the amount of difference. T-test analysis of the variables was significant p<.05. Research results found, after 12 week of movement intervention, training group of students in Instant punches, and speed, and coordination sex, and agile sex, competitive body suitable can aspects, training group Hou measuring up significantly level (p<.05), Hou measuring results are than Qian measuring results progress; and in speed and the agile sex aspects of competitive body suitable can, After comparison results, training group than the control group, display sports training helps to exercise the effective promotion of competitive fitness.
