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篇名 手球運動前拉式肩上射門動作之穩定度分析
卷期 28
並列篇名 Stability Analysis of Forward Windup Shooting in Handball Exercise
作者 許維哲蘇政賢李佳鴻簡城銘宋明律
頁次 047-062
關鍵字 加速規陀螺儀angular velocityGyroscope
出刊日期 201806


研究目的:本研究針對手球前拉式肩上射門進行動作差異分析。對象:為10位手 球選手,5位高球速選手(年齡18±0歲、身高178.2±5.3公分、體重79.8±4.4、球齡7.8±1.5 年);5位低球速選手(年齡16.8±0.4歲、身高172.6±2.9公分、體重65.6±6.卜球齡4 年±1.7年)將球速成績分為高低組進行測試。實驗方法:前拉式肩上射門時主要有四個 運動肢段(手掌、手腕、右肘、右肩),使用XYZ三軸微機電加速規和三軸陀螺儀組成 的無線慣性感測器,然後擷取選手進行15次前拉式肩上射門動作之測試,並做統計分 析。結果:一、高球速與低球速選手在有無配戴感測器檢測後之球速均無顯著差異。 二、手腕肢段整體高球速選手動作穩定性優於低球速選手。三、右肩肢段出手時高球 速選手動作穩定性優於低球速選手。結論:從數據分析結果中發現高球速選手在前拉 式肩上射門動作時穩定性比低球速選手好。建議:高球速與低球速選手在前拉式肩上 射門動作中穩定性有所差異,應提升相關技術的訓練,因為身體肢段的轉動傳遞會影 響球的球速及方向,不定時利用無線慣性感測器來監測選手動作是否有錯誤,讓投擲 動作達到最佳化。


The purpose of the study was to analyze the differences in the movement of forward windup shooting in handball and used 10 of the senior high school handball team players as an example, separating the players into five on high-speed group and five on lower-speed group. The data collected and analyzed by using Wireless MEMS Sensors which is composed of XYZ three-axis MEMS Accelerometer and three-axis Gyroscope, focusing on the acceleration and angular velocity in the main six limb segments (hand palm, wrist, right elbow, right shoulder, and both right and left knees). The result revealed that (a) the stability of the wrist and the right shoulder movement, and (b) the data of maximum acceleration and total power, of the high-speed players are better than lower-speed players. The principal conclusion was that the relevant training techniques should be improved and secondly strengthening the angular velocity will be the main goal in the future. Therefore, it needs to use Wireless MEMS sensors in monitoring players for errors from time to time, in order to attend the best performance in shooting.
