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篇名 台灣貧困家庭親職化兒童的生活樣貌與需求
卷期 8:2
並列篇名 The Situation and Needs of the Parentified Children in the Needy Families in Taiwan
作者 張緡鏐蘇映伊王聖基
頁次 043-086
關鍵字 貧困家庭親職化兒童家務負擔需求Poor familyParentified childrenHousework loadingNeed
出刊日期 201810
DOI 10.3966/222372402018100802002


有一群兒童反轉了原本受照顧的角色,負起父母原本持家、保護、照顧的 責任,這種現象稱為親職化(parentification),在台灣貧困家庭中的兒童,有很 多符合親職化現象,因此對台灣貧困家庭親職化兒童的生活樣貌為何?以及親職 化兒童在發展上受到什麼影響?此為本研究所要探討的議題,本研究有兩個研 究目的,一為瞭解台灣貧困家庭親職化兒童完整的生活樣貌,第二是探討台灣 貧困家庭親職化兒童的生活需求。 本研究共訪談11 名貧困家庭中之親職化兒童,以瞭解其生活樣貌,並進一 步透過問卷調查,以普查的方式瞭解接受家扶基金會親職化兒童服務方案504 名成員提供家庭照顧情形和所面對的困難或問題。研究發現有二: 一、在照顧角色和工作情況,親職化兒童日常家務工作為親職化兒童最常承擔 的角色和工作、其次是手足照顧者的角色,建議政府針對貧困家庭提供經濟補 助外,更需要補充貧困家庭的照顧人力,減輕貧困家庭親職化兒童的照顧工作, 而且該名家庭照顧的人力除日常的家務工作的協助外,在課業輔導和手足的行 為管教上,提供支持和諮詢,才能減輕親職化兒童的負擔。 二、在親職化兒童受到影響和有困擾方面,顯示親職化兒童的心理受到很大的 影響,尤其是親職化兒童在工作初期會蓄積很多的負面情緒,建議提供心理諮 商服務,以減少親職化兒童的負面情緒。親職化兒童也會面臨人際交往和學業 的問題,建議提供課業輔導,以及增加人際互動技巧的學習和人際互動的接觸 機會。


During the child development, the function of the family consists of the financial support, protection and education. However, when their parents might be busy at work, irresponsible for rearing children or having severe illness or disability, those parentified children will need to take the roles of parents and the responsibility. Those children are playing roles reversal acting as a parent in the family. It is also known as parentification and those children are called parentified children. Therefore, we should pay a closed attention to those children for what they have suffered, the impact on roles reversal and their needs. In order to better understand the current situation and the needs of the parentified children in the poor families, we have interviewed 11 our supported children in this study for more details. Through the survey, it will help us more realize their actually needs of 504children.
