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篇名 探討人格特質與出席率中介效果對英語學習成效之影響
卷期 38
並列篇名 Exploring the Effect of Personality Traits and the Mediation Effect of Attendance Rate on English Language Learning Performance
作者 柯亞先賴月圓楊佩玲
頁次 031-052
關鍵字 人格特質英語學習成效出席率中介效果Personality TraitsEnglish Language Learning PerformanceAttendance RateMediation Effect
出刊日期 201812


本研究探討人格特質對英語學習成效的影響,並檢驗出席率的中介效果。取樣 來源為新北市某技術學院英文選修生,65 位研究對象參與本次調查(平均年齡為20.4 歲,標準差為2.8 歲),採立意抽樣法與OCEAN 量表。透過「中介變項三步驟檢驗 程序」結果顯示:一、五大人格特質中僅「開放性」對英語「學習成效」之迴歸模 式達顯著水準。二、五大人格特質中「開放性、外向性、親和力、神經質」這四因 子對「出席率」之迴歸模式皆達顯著水準。三、以「人格特質」與「出席率」皆置 於模式中預測「學習成效」時,僅「開放性」與「出席率」之迴歸係數同時達顯著 水準,且「出席率」標準化之迴歸係數較「開放性」為大,此說明「出席率」為部 分中介變項。換言之,「開放性」個體之人格特質,會透過「出席率」的部分中介效 果,來影響英語的「學習成效」。建議未來可加上其他中介變項(如性別、年齡等) 做更深入的探討。


This study explored the effect of personality traits on English language learning performance and tested the mediation effect of attendance rate. Sixty-five college students (M = 20.4 yr., SD = 2.8) were recruited to participate in the study. The results by using three-step mediation analysis showed: 1. Among Big Five personality traits, the coefficient of Openness reached statistical significance on the regression model of English language learning performance. 2. Among Big Five personality traits, Openness, Extraversion, Agreeableness and Neuroticism reached statistical significance on the regression model of attendance rate. 3. Put Big Five personality traits and attendance rate as predictors on the regression model of English language learning performance, the coefficient of Openness and attendance rate reached statistical significance simultaneously. In addition, the standardized coefficient of the attendance rate is higher than those of Openness, which revealed that the attendance rate is a partial mediator variable. In other words, through the attendance rate as a partial mediator, the Openness of personality traits showed significant effect on the English language learning performance.
