
東吳哲學學報 THCI

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篇名 On Confucianism: Its Roots and Global Significance by Ming-Huei Lee
卷期 39
並列篇名 論李明輝著Confucianism: Its Roots and Global Significance
作者 馮耀明
頁次 049-070
關鍵字 religiousnessheadless humanismzhijueliangzhithing-in-itself宗教性無頭的人文主義知覺良知物自身THCI
出刊日期 201902


李明輝教授的此一論著共有七章,包括三部分的主題: ⑴古典儒學及其現代性重釋 (2) 中國與韓國的新儒學 (3) 儒學中的倫理與政治 在此一學術書評中,我將提出六點與李教授討論:HerbertFingarette的 “the secular as sacred”,徐復觀的 “headless humanism”,朱熹的「覺」、「知」 及「知覺」,王陽明的「良知」,儒學中的政治哲學,及牟宗三的“thmg-m-itself ”。


This book written by Professor Ming-huei Lee has seven chapters to form three parts of special topics. The three parts are: (1) Classical Confucianism and Its Modern Reinterpretations (2) Neo-Confucianism in China and Korea (3) Ethics and Politics [of Confucianism] In this academic review, I will raise six points to discuss with Professor Lee, including: Herbert Fingarette’s idea of “the secular as sacred,” Xu Fugan’s view of “headless humanism,” Zhu Xi’s concepts of jue, zhi, and zhjue, Wang Yangming’s idea of liangzhi, the topic of Confucian political philosophy, and Mou Zongsan’s reinterpretation of Kant’s idea of “thing-in-itself.”
