
中山管理評論 TSSCI

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篇名 看不見的資本:經營者之妻對家族核心價值觀發展的影響
卷期 27:1
並列篇名 Invisible Capital: How Founders’ Wives Influence the Core Values Development in Business Families
作者 曹瓊文魏郁禎
頁次 057-100
關鍵字 妻子人力資本核心價值觀企業家族WivesHuman CapitalCore ValuesBusiness FamilyTSSCI
出刊日期 201903
DOI 10.6160/SYSMR.201903_27(1).0002




The role of women for value creation has been neglected in existing studies on family business. To fill this gap, this study adopts a qualitative research method to analyze the role of two generations of business leaders’ wives’ human capital as well as their role in business families and explore their influence on the development of the core values in the business family. The study focuses on the case of the Hong family, which was led by the founder of National Electric Appliance Co., Ltd. The findings highlight the important role of wives. Family core values originate from the shared values and beliefs of the founder and his spouse. However, in order to turn them into enduring family values and incorporate them into the organizational culture, the critical roles of wives should be considered. The wives, who are imperative family members, play a critical role in advocating, demonstrating, inheriting, and practicing these values with an appropriate division of roles. In theory, this study extends the interpretation of the relationship between human capital and family values creation and explains the influence of wives on core values development in business families. In practice, the study suggests that the new family members should be entrusted with responsibilities and given trust to ensure that they can develop better emotional ties with their new families. Moreover, assigning roles according to their capabilities and interests would enable wives to exert their influence on both business and family spheres.
