
中山管理評論 TSSCI

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篇名 制度工作可行嗎?去制度化前緣的能動性解析
卷期 27:1
並列篇名 Are Institutional Works Workable? The Anatomy of Agency in the Context of Pre-deinstitutionalization
作者 涂敏芬
頁次 101-138
關鍵字 能動性制度化歷程制度工作田野調查迪化年貨大街AgencyInstitutionalizationInstitutional WorkField StudyDihua Chinese New Year BazaarTSSCI
出刊日期 201903
DOI 10.6160/SYSMR.201903_27(1).0003




The ‘successful’ result is inspirationally presented in institutional change; however, ‘unsuccessful’ outcomes are perhaps more prevalent. Yet research has overlooked why and how the regret of ‘unfinished revolution and incomplete change’ emerges from the agency performing. To unpack the ambiguous causes of this regret, this study adopts the theoretical lens of institutionalization and institutional work to engage in dialogues between structure and action. This study examines the Dihua Chinese New Year Bazaar, critically tagged as a ‘night market’ in Taipei, and collects data from field study with the guidance of participant observation and historical ethnography. This study reveals that the ‘agency loss’ emerges because the internal dissociations and discrepancies in actors, actions, and context within the agency mechanism. The agency loss then results in no accumulation of sufficient momentum to change, and keeps a deteriorated institution in the pre-deinstitutionalization stage. In closing, this study discusses theoretical and practical implications.
