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篇名 論唐君毅先生「以人文攝宗教」之理論基礎
卷期 46:3=538
並列篇名 The Foundation of Tang Jun-yi7s Theory of “Syncretizing Religion through Humanism”
作者 黃信二
頁次 037-054
關鍵字 唐君毅儒學儒學之宗教性以人文攝宗教Tang Jun-yiConfucianismReligiousness of ConfucianismSyncretizing Religions through HumanismA&HCI
出刊日期 201903


本文的主旨在探討唐先生論儒學宗教性的研究方法、研究 進路與價值,觀察他對中原地區原始民族心靈結構成因的分析,以及 此區域「原始天神信仰」如何「自然轉換」為「哲學信仰」的合理化 歷程。此歷程在唐先生著作中以「以人文攝宗教」的觀點進行表達與 論述,而本文則對此特殊觀念的「形成背景」與基礎加以還原,指出 唐先生此說的合理性與研究方法論上的重要性;特別是其對中國哲 學理論基礎(生活場域)的觀察、表達形式本身的限制性、宗教與哲 學間的轉換原則,以及人的想像力無法長住於一超現實界的反思,皆 屬本文論述之要點。


This article is meant to inquire the methodology, approach and value of Tang Jun-yi5s study on the religiousness of Confucianism, observe his analyses about the factors in the spiritual structure of the natives of the central plains and the process whereby the beliefs in primitive divinities were “naturally transformed” into “philosophical convictions.” Tang expressed and argued for this very process from the perspective of “syncretizing religions through humanism” while this article would trace to the formation background and foundation of this concept, pointing out its reasonableness and methodological importance with special regards to Tang’s theoretical foundation in Chinese philosophy, the limits of his forms of expression, the principles of transformation between religion and philosophy and the reflection on how one’s imagination cannot abide in an surreal world.
