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篇名 生命的蛻變:繼母的生命歷程探究
卷期 17:1
並列篇名 Transformation of Life:A Life Course Research of Stepmother
作者 吳金桂王慧琦
頁次 053-085
關鍵字 生命歷程探究敘事研究繼母Life Course ResearchNarrative ResearchStepmother
出刊日期 201906




This study aims at the understanding of stepmother’s life course. From the women whom decided to enter the marriage as a stepmother, what causes them made that decision, they encountered what kind of difficulties and obstacles, what supported them hang on, and what made them choose to stay or leave. Narrative research method was applied here to collect data and analysis. In-depth interviews were conducted from three interviewees; one of them had two marriage experiences. The research findings were revealed and discussed as follows: (a) Life courses of stepmother can be divided into five stages: “incubation period”, “fermentation period”, “qualitative change period”, “precipitation period”, and “action period”. Each period had different state and connotation. (b) The original family experience affect female’s attitudes towards marriage. The parental role had great influence upon interviewees, especially motherhood learning. (c) “The decision to become a stepmother” and “the characteristic of stepmother role” would influence “to become a stepmother’s self-expectation.” (d) Differences of “the characteristic of stepmother” would influence the way they face the marriage; differences of “the type of stepmother” would influence the way they devote themselves to the Motherhood. Based on the findings and limitations of this study, some suggestions were offered for practioners.
