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篇名 傳承儒家的科學進路
卷期 46:10=545
並列篇名 A Scientific Approach for Inheriting Confucian Heritage
作者 黃光國
頁次 005-028
關鍵字 道德的進路宇宙論的進路哲學的進路科學的進路黃光國難題Moral ApproachCosmological ApproachPhilosophical ApproachScientific ApproachK. K. Hwang’s Grand QuestionA&HCI
出刊日期 201910




In his article entitled “Confucian Ethical Healing: A New Approach for Resolving K. K. Hwang’s Grand Question”, Dr. Chen Fu proposed a series of philosophical issues about the encounter between Chinese and Western cultures which must be seriously dealt with for the sake of establishing a new tradition of autonomous Chinese social science. Meanwhile, Wanling Zhou and Rong Liu also proposed their perspectives on the same question. Because the limitation on length of article for this journal, I will choose three of Dr. Chen’s crucial issues and integrate the important arguments from both of Zhou and Liu to illustrate that Wang Yangming adopted a moral approach for integrating Confucian heritage, Zu Xi adopted a cosmological approach, Mou Zongsan followed a philosophical approach; while mine is a scientific approach. The relationships between those four approaches will be discussed in this article.
